Month: September 2021

A Very Serious Book Review: The Heroic Adventures of Kid Ki’ro

An Australian chiropractor has written a children's book extoling the virtues of the profession in a most elliptical fashion.

/ September 17, 2021

More Thoughts on the VAERS Pre-Print

A recent pre-print inappropriately used VAERS to calculated the rate of myocarditis after the COVID-19 vaccine. However, even if the rate was correct, the article glosses over the dangers of the virus and the efficacy of the vaccine.

/ September 16, 2021

Desktop Genetics

We seem to be in the middle of a revolution in genetics research, which has just taken another leap forward.

/ September 15, 2021

Preventing Malaria: A Glimmer of Hope?

A recent clinical trial tested a new approach to malaria prevention involving monoclonal antibodies.

/ September 14, 2021
Dumpster diving in VAERS

Dumpster diving in the VAERS database to find more COVID-19 vaccine-associated myocarditis in children

"Dumpster diving" is a term used to describe studies using data from the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System database by authors, almost always antivaxxers, who don't understand its limitations. Last week, non-antivax doctors who should know better fell into this trap when they promoted their study suggesting that COVID-19 mRNA vaccines are more dangerous to children than the disease.

/ September 13, 2021
Dumpster diving in VAERS

Peer review of a VAERS dumpster dive

A new preprint study on COVID vaccine myocarditis dives into the VAERS dumpster with predictable and embarrassing results.

/ September 12, 2021

The Pro-Vaccine Test

When it comes to children and COVID-19, certain doctors seem unwilling to acknowledge negative information about the virus and positive information about the vaccine. Can they pass the pro-vaccine test?

/ September 10, 2021
Ivermectin repurposing

Courts should not order hospitals and physicians to administer ivermectin against their will

Courts in several states have ordered hospitals to administer ivermectin to COVID patients against the medical judgment of treating physicians. Patients have no legal right to a particular treatment and health care providers should not be forced to administer this drug.

/ September 9, 2021

Variants of Interest

The World Health Organization and medical experts are keeping an eye on new variants as the pandemic simmers on.

/ September 8, 2021

Science Goes Viral

Joe Schwarcz has done it again! His new book is not only packed with good science-based information, but is highly entertaining.

/ September 7, 2021