Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine

To unblind or not to unblind? That is the question about clinical trials of COVID-19 vaccines

Antivaccine alternative health tycoon Joe Mercola claims that the unblinding of participants in the clinical trials of Moderna and Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines was intended to "blow up the trials" and undermine the science, making it impossible ever to identify long term adverse events. What he's really doing is deceptively oversimplifying complex ethical and scientific issues surrounding these trials in the middle of...

/ April 26, 2021

Deaths and Excess Deaths in Brazil

By misinterpreting excess mortality statistics, Nobel Laureate Michael Levitt minimizes the significance of the COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil (and also America).

/ April 23, 2021
Acupuncture for xerostomia

Catgut Acupuncture

Catgut acupuncture is but one example of how acupuncture's basis in pseudoscience provides an infinitely malleable template for fabricated mechanisms of action and feigned health benefits.

/ April 22, 2021

Viral Vectors for Gene Therapy

After being stalled for decades, viral vector gene therapy is poised for a revolution in therapeutics.

/ April 21, 2021

Update on Energy Medicine Pain Patches: Jovi and Its Targeted Marketing Strategy

For many women, cramps are a regular feature of their menstrual periods. Jovi is being marketed as a cure. It isn't. It's just more energy medicine pain patch nonsense.

/ April 20, 2021
Christian Elliot and viral disinformation

Christian Elliot’s “18 Reasons I Won’t Be Getting a Covid Vaccine”: Viral antivaccine misinformation

Christian Elliot is a self-proclaimed "natural health nerd" and entrepreneur who recently published 18 reasons why he wouldn't take the COVID-19 vaccine. Unfortunately, it's viral disinformation based on conspiracy theories, bad science, pseudoscience, and nonsense.

/ April 19, 2021

Adverse Events Linked to Pediatric “Alternative Medicine” in the Netherlands

A study out of the Netherlands documented pediatric adverse events associated with complementary and alternative medicine over three years. Thankfully there weren't a lot of kids harmed, but when there is no potential benefit from an intervention, even one is way too many.

/ April 16, 2021

Ivermectin is the new hydroxychloroquine

Ivermectin has been touted as a potential antiviral to treat COVID-19 infections. There is no good evidence it is effective.

/ April 15, 2021

Johnson & Johnson Vaccine and Blood Clots

Reports of blood clots with the J&J vaccine are very similar to AstraZeneca, with a similar dilemma.

/ April 14, 2021

Lose Weight without Diet or Exercise? Where’s the Proof?

Can an obese person lose 52 pounds in 28 days without diet or exercise, by simply taking this pill? Yeah, sure! Pull the other one!

/ April 13, 2021