Gary Null doing what Gary Null does.

Gary Null’s Attack on SBM

Gary Null's fact- and logic-free attack on SBM.

/ August 7, 2019

What Does It Feel Like to Die?

We're all going to die; we wonder what it will feel like. This book describes what typically happens during the period between diagnosis of a fatal illness and death.

/ August 6, 2019
Marianne Williamson

Is today’s generation of children “the sickest generation”?

Presidential candidate and New Age self-help guru Marianne Williamson has been repeating a claim that over half of our children have chronic illness and implying that the expansion of the vaccine schedule since the late 1980s is responsible. But is it true? Are over half of our children sick? Is this "the sickest generation"?

/ August 5, 2019

Anti-vaccination ideology in chiropractic continuing education and conference (again!)

Yet another chiropractic pediatrics conference features anti-vaccination ideology. Chiropractic institutions approve anti-vaccination CE course content. To protect public health, if chiropractic regulators won't stop this, the states should do it for them.

/ August 1, 2019
Acupuncture needles

Study on Acupuncture for Angina

Another acupuncture study claims positive results, but is plagued by methodological flaws and dubious results.

/ July 31, 2019

American Family Physician Endorses Acupuncture

A CME article in American Family Physician misrepresents the evidence, claiming acupuncture has been proven safe and effective. An accompanying editorial gives despicable advice on how to manipulate patients to accept this theatrical placebo.

/ July 30, 2019

For-profit stem cell clinics, universities, and “pay-to-play” clinical trials for autism

Stem cell therapies show great promise, but as yet the vast majority of that promise has not been validated in rigorous clinical trials. Unfortunately, for-profit stem cell clinics are running clinical trials that require patients to pay to be part of it. These trials are not rigorous. Even more unfortunately, it appears that some universities are also running "pay-to-play" clinical trials that...

/ July 29, 2019

Think Twice Before Giving Young Children Reflux Medications

A recent study demonstrates an association between reflux medications in infancy and increased risk of fractures in early childhood, yet another reason to be cautious when using pharmaceutical interventions to manage a mostly benign and self-limited condition.

/ July 26, 2019

Zapping Antipsychiatry ECT Nonsense

These days people's perceptions of electroconvulsive therapy have a fictionalized understanding of what it is, and its harms. The reality is quite different.

/ July 25, 2019

Shaping Opinions About Science and Medicine

Responding to a commentary with all the usual anti-science tropes.

/ July 24, 2019