Category: Science and Medicine

COVID-19 and Children: More Useless Comparisons

How COVID-19 affects children is independent of how it affects their grandparents.

/ October 14, 2021

Dry Scooping – A Harmful Internet Fad

Dry scooping is just one more dangerous health craze being promoted online.

/ October 13, 2021
Ivermectin repurposing

Ivermectin is the new hydroxychloroquine, take 6: Incompetence and fraud everywhere!

Ivermectin is the new hydroxychloroquine, a drug repurposed for COVID-19 that almost certainly doesn't work but is still being touted as a "miracle cure" by quacks, grifters, and political ideologues. Are the data supporting it all fraud?

/ October 11, 2021

The Trolley Problem and Vaccinating Young People Against COVID-19

The harms we cause often lead to more grief than the harms we fail to prevent. Is this why some doctors are willing to leave young people vulnerable to a deadly virus?

/ October 8, 2021

A Modest Proposal: Close Pediatric Cancer Hospitals

What if people thought about pediatric cancer the way they do pediatric COVID-19? A satirical argument to stop treating children for cancer.

/ October 2, 2021

Cases of Newborn Syphilis are Increasing at an Alarming Rate

Cases of syphilis are being diagnosed in infants in record numbers in the United States.

/ October 1, 2021

Lions Led by Donkeys, 1917

Those who sent unprotected children into classrooms filled with COVID-19 must be remembered for more than their unparalleled capacity for self-pity, inglorious oppression fantasies, and juvenile trolling of public officials.

/ September 24, 2021

Get Your Flu Shot!

COVID-19 vaccines are important, but so are flu shots. They are safe, effective, and protect others (the elderly, the immunocompromised, and those too young to get the vaccine).

/ September 21, 2021
VAERS: How did we get here?

The dumpster diving VAERS preprint debacle: How did we get here?

Last week, SBM devoted a lot of digital ink to a poorly done study analyzing the VAERS database for myocarditis after COVID-19 vaccination that was widely publicized to imply that the vaccine is more dangerous than the disease. Three out of the four authors should have known better, leading me to ask: How did we get here?

/ September 20, 2021

Intubations and Accusations: Doctors were “just going crazy, and intubating people who did not have to be intubated”

It's problematic when a paragon of evidence-based medicine claims vaccines spread disease and amplifies internet rumors that doctors killed COVID-19 patients through premature intubations.

/ September 19, 2021