Category: Internet & social media

New York Times

The Lab Leak Theory and the Complicit Media

How the media's need for tales of intrigue and villains fosters the political weaponization of uncertainty

/ June 27, 2024

Amazon goes where the FDA does not

Amazon has implemented new quality standards for some dietary supplements.

/ June 20, 2024
By Niklas Bildhauer (who also is User gerolsteiner91. - originally posted to Flickr as folder, CC BY-SA 2.0,

“Fauci Files” and Florida’s Grand Jury Investigations Fail to Deliver

Although multiple antivaccine investigations have failed to deliver any substantive evidence of alleged crimes, the latest antivax flops won't flip anyone.

/ June 13, 2024

FitScript™: Functional health quackery and a misleading alternative cancer cure testimonial

Perusing the hellscape that is what Twitter has degenerated into as X, I found an alternative cancer cure testimonial, which led me into "functional health" nonsense that I hadn't encountered before. Introducing FitScript.

/ May 20, 2024
Ice bath

Cold Water Immersion Not Always Beneficial

Two papers look at the effects of cold water immersion after exercise, with mixed results.

/ April 25, 2024

The Menace of Wellness Influencers

Wellness influencers are often also conspiracy theorists, as both mindsets rely upon the same underlying methods, motivation, and narrative.

/ February 7, 2024
bullshit generation

Misinformation is pervasive, and AI will turbocharge it

Is it possible to refute an infinite amount of AI-generated health misinformation?

/ December 7, 2023

Madonna !?!

Remembering the old days of Madonna, courting, and naloxone use.

/ July 18, 2023
Aseem Malhotra

Unsafe and Ineffective: Aseem Malhotra

British consulting cardiologist Dr. Aseem Malhotra has become the latest darling of the COVID-19 minimization and antivaccine movement in the UK. Previously known for anti-statin views and advocacy of the Pioppi diet who pivoted to more dangerous misinformation during the pandemic.

/ May 21, 2023