All posts by Mark Crislip

Mark Crislip, MD has been a practicing Infectious Disease specialist in Portland, Oregon, from 1990 to 2023. He has been voted a US News and World Report best US doctor, best ID doctor in Portland Magazine multiple times, has multiple teaching awards and, most importantly,  the ‘Attending Most Likely To Tell It Like It Is’ by the medical residents at his hospital. His multi-media empire can be found at

Pulse Diagnostics

Perhaps the EKG of my bulldog. TCPM wouldn't have a clue what was going on.

/ July 16, 2024

Save the Whales, Blind the Children

The Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead depicts a scene in which a bowl of golden rice is weighed against the feather of truth.

/ June 18, 2024

Bird is the Word

Something H5N1 this way comes. Perhaps.

/ May 21, 2024


TCPM Tongue diagnosis. Garbage in, garbage out.

/ April 16, 2024

Skeptics in the Pub. Cholera. Epilogue

I felt remarkably well when I awoke despite the previous night’s beer. I was a little thirsty, and my mouth felt like I brushed my teeth with a toilet brush. I took a long shower and took my time getting ready for work. I bought a scone and tea on my way to the trolley and picked up a newspaper. For the...

/ April 13, 2024

Skeptics in the Pub. Cholera. Chapter 15 minus 1

For those more observant than a semi-senile old man, I cut and pasted the wrong text this morning. Now updated. Good thing I am retired.

/ April 6, 2024

Skeptics in the Pub. Cholera. Chapter 13

Saturday. Just another workday when the Cholera is flowing. I woke early, at 6 a.m., and went to the office before anyone else. On the way, I went to the grocer’s and bought some supplies. I started, as usual, in the cubby room, and I was happy to see that as of yesterday that cases of the Cholera were staying down: there were...

/ March 30, 2024

Skeptics in the Pub. Cholera. Chapter 12b

I did not bother going back to the office but decided to wander over the sisters to see if they had anything new from their research. I took a trolley to Southeast and hopped off early. It was a beautiful summer day, and it would do me good to walk. It was a pretty neighborhood with many trees and well-kept gardens. I...

/ March 23, 2024

Best Hospital Eye Roll

Science: Figuring things out is better than making things up. A tee shirt I recently saw. Except… In a recent post Mayo Clinic Promotes Reiki, Steve seemed surprised that the Mayo was offering Reiki. I don’t know. Maybe he was channeling Louie. I know the Mayo is a top hospital, but I trained in Minneapolis at Hennepin County and we would have...

/ March 19, 2024

Skeptics in the Pub. Cholera. Chapter 12a

I slept like a rock, no dreams that I could remember, and upon awakening, the ball of anxiety that had been my constant companion was gone. I tried to get it back by thinking of all the unpleasant things that might happen in the next few days. Nothing. I felt good. Acceptance is the final stage of dying, so I must, at...

/ March 16, 2024