Old Doctor Yells At Clouds
I’m at that age, 67 going in 68, where it is reasonable to yell at the clouds. Which, come to think of it, may be a good title for another collection of my SBM essays. Aging does indeed suck, but it is, usually, better than the alternative. As we, and by we I mean my family and me, age we get the...

Reality. Doesn't care what you think.

A New DC Degree. What the World Needs Now.
Perhaps the neck manipulation was a bit too aggressive.

Hangovers: a problem with only one solution.

AI and the SCAM Literature
AI reviews the medical literature on the mechanisms of various SCAMs

A dog's mouth is likely less 'dirty' than a meth mouth.

Pulse Diagnostics
Perhaps the EKG of my bulldog. TCPM wouldn't have a clue what was going on.

Save the Whales, Blind the Children
The Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead depicts a scene in which a bowl of golden rice is weighed against the feather of truth.

Bird is the Word
Something H5N1 this way comes. Perhaps.

TCPM Tongue diagnosis. Garbage in, garbage out.