Results for: abstract

Science-Based Satire: Area Child Killed by Unwieldy Backpack

Was a child recently murdered by a heavy backpack? Do unwieldy backpacks cause scoliosis and long term general health problems? Should we care what chiropractors have to say about pediatric spinal health? No. This isn't remotely true and honestly I'm a little surprised that you would even ask me that. It's satire.

/ August 7, 2020

Emerging Evidence of Intrauterine SARS-CoV-2 Infections

New evidence supports the potential for intrauterine spread of SARS-CoV-2 to a developing fetus. It's uncommon, but something to take seriously. Also some good news from the AAP regarding the care of babies born to mothers with COVID-19!

/ July 24, 2020
The Light Spectrum

Blue light blocking glasses: How much of the hype is science-based?

Blue light from our electronics is said to be harmful, and "blue blocking" glasses are touted as a panacea to numerous health issues. Is there any evidence to substantiate these claims?

/ June 25, 2020

Should We Avoid Dairy Out of Fear of Cancer?

A doctor is adamant about avoiding dairy because IGF-1 allows cancer cells to multiply. I think he's relying on speculation and an over-abundance of caution.

/ June 9, 2020

The p-hackers toolkit

P-hacking is a common and persistent problem in research, with impacts on the scientific literature, reporting, and practice in medicine. But what is it, really?

/ April 30, 2020

“Miracle cure” testimonials aside, azithromycin and hydroxychloroquine probably do not work against COVID-19

Here we go again. Didier Raoult has published another uninformative study looking at the use of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin to treat COVID-19. Unfortunately, recent data examining these drugs have been trending in the direction of the conclusion that these drugs probably don't work against COVID-19 but do cause harm. Sadly, the lack of evidence hasn't stopped the hucksters from promoting hydroxychloroquine as...

/ April 13, 2020

Are hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin an effective treatment for COVID-19?

Saturday morning, President Trump Tweeted a claim that the combination of azithromycin and hydroxychloroquine "have a real chance to be one of the biggest game changers in the history of medicine" and hoped that they be "put in use IMMEDIATELY" to treat COVID-19. His claims were based on a single clinical trial out of France. Unfortunately, although it is not implausible that...

/ March 23, 2020

Quackademic medicine update: UC Irvine reneges on promise of scientific rigor

In 2017, UC Irvine promised that the Susan Samueli Integrative Health Institute would be "rigorously evidence-based". A recent review discovers plenty of pseudoscience.

/ February 27, 2020

Quoth RFK Jr.: Vaccines and glyphosate are responsible for the obesity epidemic!

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. published an article claiming that vaccines and glyphosate are responsible for the obesity epidemic. Too bad he cited the work of two longtime antivaccine cranks to support his bogus claim. He's really scraping the bottom of the barrel.

/ February 24, 2020

Public Attitude Toward Science

New Pew research findings show confidence in science remains high, but there are some important caveats.

/ February 19, 2020