Month: April 2024

There is no evidence that COVID-19 vaccines are causing cancers associated with “accelerated aging”
A recent presentation at AACR found a link between markers of accelerated aging and an increased risk of cancer. Then antivaxxers got a hold of it to blame COVID-19 vaccines not just for cancer, but for "accelerated aging" causing it.

Dr. Vinay Prasad: It’s “Good” That Parents Who Want To Vaccinate Their Kids Against COVID Get Reported To Child Protective Services
Trying to limit pediatric COVID was literally the pandemic's worst sin for pro-infection doctors, warranting severe punishment. This is how desperately they wanted them infected.

Skeptics in the Pub. Cholera. Epilogue
I felt remarkably well when I awoke despite the previous night’s beer. I was a little thirsty, and my mouth felt like I brushed my teeth with a toilet brush. I took a long shower and took my time getting ready for work. I bought a scone and tea on my way to the trolley and picked up a newspaper. For the...

New Study Finds No Link Between Autism and Acetaminophen Use During Pregnancy
A new study designed to better account for hidden confounding factors has found no link between acetaminophen use during pregnancy and the risk of neurodevelopmental conditions in childhood.

SARMs Harms
Selective androgen receptor (SARMs) are sports supplements marketed to teens via social media influencers.

The Ethics of Artificial Brains
We are living in a time of technology advancing so rapidly it is challenging to keep up. This has multiple ramifications, and in the area of biomedical research, there is an important ethical and regulatory dimension. Confronting the ethical considerations of our own technology is nothing new, and fresh debate seems to erupt with every new development – including in-vitro fertilization, transplanting...

Dr. Vinay Prasad vs. a VAERS study finding more reports of vaccine injury in red states
Dr. Vinay Prasad attacks an epidemiological study published in JAMA Open Network reporting that people in red states are more likely to report vaccine injuries, claiming that a more rigorous study would "not be difficult," when he knows that it would be very difficult.

Every Time Dr. Jay Bhattacharya Talks About COVID, He Proves He Was Totally Wrong About COVID
Dr. Jay Bhattacharya March 2020: "If it’s true that the novel coronavirus would kill millions without shelter-in-place orders and quarantines, then the extraordinary measures being carried out in cities and states around the country are surely justified."

Skeptics in the Pub. Cholera. Chapter 15 minus 1
For those more observant than a semi-senile old man, I cut and pasted the wrong text this morning. Now updated. Good thing I am retired.

The Failed “We Want Them Infected” Movement Is Trying to Rebrand Itself As The “All We Really Wanted Was Poor Kids in School” Movement.
Part 2: In 2020, pro-infection doctors said "It’s fantastic news that we have a lot of cases." Today, they performatively lament "learning loss for children, especially in poor families". What happened to their assurances that the mass infection of unvaccinated youth will rapidly lead to herd immunity?