Tag: p-hacking

The p-hackers toolkit
P-hacking is a common and persistent problem in research, with impacts on the scientific literature, reporting, and practice in medicine. But what is it, really?

Soothing Your Heart: Does practicing self-compassion have physical and mental health benefits?
Does a recent study demonstrate that being kind to yourself has benefits for your mental and physical health?

Statistical Significance and Toxicity
Researchers propose to get rid of the use statistical significance in science reporting. The idea has merit.

Reader’s Digest Promotes Prevagen
Reader's Digest is advertising a memory aid, Prevagen, that has been tested and shown not to work. Shame on them!

0.05 or 0.005? P-value Wars Continue
The p-value is under fire yet again, but this time with some quick-and-dirty solutions (and some long-and-onerous ones too) to the problems created by relying on this quick-and-dirty test.

Acupuncture for Infant Colic Part 2: Acupuncture Boogaloo
A detailed discussion of infant colic plus a few more thoughts on why acupuncture does not play a role in science-based management.

Acupuncture for Infantile Colic
Another low-quality acupuncture study falls victim to p-hacking and spreads unsupported claims for the efficacy of this failed treatment.

P Value Under Fire
The greatest strength of science is that it is self-critical. Scientists are not only critical of specific claims and the evidence for those claims, but they are critical of the process of science itself. That criticism is constructive – it is designed to make the process better, more efficient, and more reliable. One aspect of the process of science that has received...
Reproducibility Follow Up
Let's explore dueling narratives about the reproducibility "crisis."