Tag: COVID-19 vaccine

Andrew Wakefield.

Andrew Wakefield after 25 years: Paving the way for COVID-19 quacks and antivaxxers

It was 25 years ago yesterday that Andrew Wakefield launched the modern iteration of the antivaccine movement.In doing so, he laid down a template that antivax quacks today still follow.

/ February 27, 2023
The Great Barrington Trio

Brownstone Institute admits that the Great Barrington Declaration was wrong (without actually admitting it was wrong)

The Brownstone Institute's Gabrielle Bauer claims vindication for the Great Barrington Declaration, the October 2020 document that advocated a "natural herd immunity" pandemic strategy, with an ill-defined "focused protection" strategy to protect those most at risk of death. In the fine print, however, Bauer tacitly admits that its core assumption was badly mistaken, minimizing it as not getting all the "details" right.

/ February 20, 2023

Are Vaccine-Advocates “Idiots”, Indifferent to the Death of a Mentally Ill Woman and Her Family?

Rather than face the real-world consequences of their anti-vaccine advocacy, it's easier for contrarian doctors to fantasize that COVID's youngest victims were mere figments of our imagination.

/ February 14, 2023

Vaccines and infant mortality rates: A false relationship promoted by the antivaxxers…again, 12 years later

Since COVID-19, in the antivax world everything old is new again. Even hoary chestnuts of bad science used 12 years ago to falsely claim that vaccines kill babies. That's right, Gary S. Goldman and Neil Z. Miller are back to defend their 2011 "study," and RFK Jr. is flogging it as slam-dunk "evidence" that vaccines kill babies.

/ February 13, 2023
Deaths from COVID-19

COVID-19 is a leading cause of death among children, but that doesn’t stop some of my colleagues from arguing against vaccinating them

Contrary to what the "COVID-19 isn't a threat to children" contingent says, COVID-19 is a leading cause of death among children. Yet "not antivax" doctors continue, either unknowingly or knowingly, recycle old antivax tropes to argue against vaccinating children against this disease.

/ February 6, 2023

Should We Accept Unvaccinated Children Dying of COVID as a “Matter of Course”?

The same doctors who scold us for potentially minimizing "slightest bit of inflammation in the heart" when the vaccine is to blame, shame us for trying to keep children from dying when the virus is to blame. 

/ January 27, 2023
COVID-19 vaccine

Viral Videos of Alleged Vaccine Side Effects

These viral videos do not represent vaccine side effects.

/ January 25, 2023

Tess Lawrie: Ivermectin isn’t just for COVID-19 but cures cancer too!

In a turn that should surprise exactly no one, the BIRD Group's Tess Lawrie effortlessly pivots from promoting ivermectin as a cure for COVID-19 to promoting it as a cure for cancer. It's another example of how single-issue quacks almost inevitably embrace more diverse quackery.

/ January 23, 2023

Is the Pediatric COVID Vaccine in Competition with Routine Vaccinations?

Of course not. The sad state of Florida shows us why.

/ January 17, 2023