Tag: Lyme disease


“You keep using those words: positive serology. I do not think it means what you think it means.”

/ December 15, 2022

Chronic Lyme disease: Fake diagnosis, not fake disease

Believe it or not, an encounter on Twitter actually changed Dr. Gorski's mind. Chronic Lyme disease is a fake diagnosis, not a fake disease.

/ May 20, 2019

Avoid prolonged antibiotics for “Chronic Lyme”

There is no evidence to suggest that "chronic Lyme" exists, or that long-term antibiotics are required to treat it.

/ April 18, 2019

A Review of Under Our Skin, A Cult Classic

Under Our Skin is a propaganda film attempting to sell viewers dangerous treatments for 'chronic Lyme disease', a rejected diagnosis not recognized by any legitimate medical organization.

/ April 8, 2019

What happened to the Lyme vaccine?

You can vaccinate your dog against Lyme disease, but there's no vaccine for humans. Why?

/ October 4, 2018

Jarisch-Herxheimer and Lyme disease

When patients diagnosed with chronic Lyme are treated, no matter what happens as a response to the treatment is considered by believers to be evidence in support of the diagnosis. If they get better, then that is evidence that the treatment is working. If they get worse, then that is evidence that the treatment is working and they are experiencing the JHR...

/ October 25, 2017

Science-Based Politics: Lyme, Zika, and the Green Party.

I don’t have much to write about this week. Yeah, yeah, I know. How is that different than the last 50 blog entries? And I will have even less to say next time. But nothing of real interest has crossed my screen the past two weeks, not that I have really been looking. One of my favorite stories as a kid was...

/ August 5, 2016

Chronic Lyme Disease – Another Negative Study

While Lyme disease itself is a real and often serious infectious illness, the existence and proper treatment of so-called chronic Lyme disease is dubious, and some would say controversial. However, like many controversies we cover, the science itself is not very controversial, but the topic is made so by a persistent minority of outliers who refuse to accept the scientific consensus. The...

/ April 6, 2016

Lyme Testing

I hate those oh hell moments. I was up way too late last night, but who can pass up the opportunity to see Patti Smith playing Horses (and more) for the 40th anniversary of the album. Only 44? Behind the Eagles? No way. I would nudge it up a few more spaces. Hard to believe I was 18 when that album came...

/ January 8, 2016

More Lyme ‘Guidelines’

I noted with understanding that the Doubtful News can’t take it anymore. The relentless tsunami sewage slurry of pseudo-science (who says I can’t alliterate?) has worn her down. She is: currently experiencing a phase in which I can’t seem to bring myself to promote another ridiculous story in the media about a haunted location, scary sounds from the sky, or the latest...

/ October 2, 2015