Tag: HPV vaccine

Peter Gøtzsche

Peter Gøtzsche teams with an antivaxxer to exaggerate the harms of COVID-19 vaccines

Peter Gøtzsche, formerly leader of the Nordic Cochrane Center, has teamed with Maryanne Demasi to write a systematic review of the "harms" of COVID-19 vaccination. Besides accepting the highly dubious methodology behind one study, their preprint is yet another example of how EBM can be corrupted to promote antivax ideas.

/ April 3, 2023

2023 Cancer Statistics Report

Cancer deaths continue to decline at a steady rate.

/ January 18, 2023

It was inevitable that antivaxxers would claim that COVID-19 vaccines make females infertile

Antivaxxers have been claiming that vaccines cause female infertility for as long as I can remember. So it's not surprising that they are now claiming that COVID-19 vaccines will cause miscarriages or even make women infertile. Their assertion is based on a highly speculative and incredibly unlikely immunologic mechanism. Same as it ever was.

/ December 14, 2020

The Harm of Antivaccine Misinformation

Anti-vaccine misinformation has a body count.

/ January 8, 2020

Vaccines in the News: The Good, the Bad, and the Imminent Loss of Our Measles Elimination Status

A quick recap of vaccine-related news from over the past several weeks.

/ October 4, 2019

Naturopathy Textbook

The Textbook of Natural Medicine reveals what students of naturopathy are taught. It claims to be a scientific presentation, but it reveals just how unscientific naturopathy is. It mixes good science with bad science, pseudoscience, outright errors of fact, vitalism, philosophy, ancient history, superstition, gullibility, misrepresentations, metaphysics, religion, hearsay, opinion, and anecdotes.

/ August 14, 2018