Results for: chiropractic

Chiropractic Pediatrics: “delayed referral, misdiagnosis, adverse events and ineffective treatments”

A study finds "delayed referral, misdiagnosis, adverse events and ineffective treatments" in chiropractic management of pediatric orthopedic conditions. States should act to prevent this harm to children.

/ June 7, 2018

A Canadian Journalist Calls Out Pediatric Chiropractic, and a Chiropractor Responds

A recent National Post article calls chiropractic care of the infant and young child into question for some very good reasons, none of which were effectively rebutted by the Canadian Chiropractic Association President.

/ May 18, 2018

Inside Chiropractic: Yesteryear and Today

In the 123 years since its inception, the core beliefs of the chiropractic profession have not changed. Chiropractic continues to exist as a form of alternative medicine that embraces a variety of questionable procedures and treatment methods. The chiropractic profession in the United States is still defined by the vertebral subluxation theory that gave it birth and independence as an alternative to...

/ February 16, 2018

Kennedy, Fisher and Bigtree: a triple dose of anti-vaccine injected into upcoming chiropractic conference

Even as the flu rages, chiropractors will be stoking their anti-vaccination ideology at a March conference with speeches from anti-vaxx Illuminati Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Barbara Loe Fisher and Del Bigtree.

/ February 1, 2018

Legislative Alchemy 2017: Chiropractic

Chiropractors are promoting themselves as primary care physicians. Some state legislatures are falling for it.

/ January 4, 2018

The American Chiropractic Association Answers Crislip’s Call, Joins the Choosing Wisely Campaign

The Choosing Wisely campaign has invited the largest chiropractic organization in the United States to publish a list of interventions to avoid. The results, while not entirely without merit, consist of redundant or unnecessary recommendations. And there is a glaring absence of recommendations to avoid any of the blatant pseudoscience commonly practiced by chiropractors.

/ November 3, 2017

Maximized Living: “5 Essentials” of Chiropractic Marketing Propaganda

What do vitalism, old school chiropractic subluxations, germ theory denial, detox supplements, marketing gimmicks, and practicing way beyond a reasonable scope have in common?

/ September 22, 2017

Study: patients should be warned of stroke risk before chiropractic neck manipulation

Another study adds to growing body of evidence that chiropractic neck manipulation is a risk factor for stroke. Patients should be warned of risk.

/ September 14, 2017

Science-Based Satire: Australian Fetus First to Undergo Intrauterine Chiropractic Adjustment

Are chiropractic surgeons really performing intrauterine spinal adjustments based on the results of nonsensical muscle tests and ultrasound imaging? No.

/ August 11, 2017

Chiropractic pediatrics conference features anti-vaccination ideology . . . as usual

For the third time in four years, a chiropractic pediatrics conference will feature anti-vaccination propaganda as part of its program. Chiropractors will spread this misinformation to their patients' parents.

/ August 3, 2017