Category: Science and Medicine

Legionnaires’ Disease: The Other Disneyland Outbreak

As 2017 came to a close, Disneyland again played a role in the outbreak of an infectious disease, this one much more deadly than measles.

/ January 12, 2018

Medical Marijuana: Where is the evidence?

Marijuana is widely touted as an effective medicine for an array of conditions. But what does the evidence actually tell us?

/ January 11, 2018

Science-Based Satire: Alternative Medical Adverse Events on the Rise

Are patients being senselessly slaughtered by poorly trained Reiki practitioners? Probably not. Okay, they aren' least not directly. But Reiki is dumb and so is the belief that the power to manipulate human energy fields would be risk free. Here satire article is.

/ December 1, 2017

Hopelessly Devoted to Woo: TLC and Forbes Bring Us Yet Another Celebrity Healer

Endorsed by journalists and studied by academic medicine, bogus celebrity energy healer Charlie Goldsmith now has his own television program. In other words, it's just another day at Science-Based Medicine.

/ November 17, 2017

Placebo Myths Debunked

Placebo treatments are often sold as magical mind-over-matter healing effects, but they are mostly just illusions and non-specific effects.

/ November 15, 2017

The American Chiropractic Association Answers Crislip’s Call, Joins the Choosing Wisely Campaign

The Choosing Wisely campaign has invited the largest chiropractic organization in the United States to publish a list of interventions to avoid. The results, while not entirely without merit, consist of redundant or unnecessary recommendations. And there is a glaring absence of recommendations to avoid any of the blatant pseudoscience commonly practiced by chiropractors.

/ November 3, 2017

Mainstream Doctors Actually Do What CAM Claims They Don’t

Alternative medicine proponents criticize mainstream medicine and think they can do better. Evidence from medical journals shows that their criticisms are not valid.

/ October 24, 2017

The American Academy of Pediatrics has an Integrative Medicine Problem

The American Academy of Pediatrics is usually a trustworthy source of high quality information for patients, caregivers, and pediatric medical providers. But when it comes to so-called integrative medicine, they have a massive biased blind spot. In this post, I discuss a recently updated clinical report from their Section on Integrative Medicine.

/ October 20, 2017

Yet Another Miscellany of Medical Malarkey

Acupuncture for menstrual cramps, chiropractic for the prevention of domestic terrorism, and more in this miscellany of medical malarkey. Or would you prefer hodgepodge of healthcare hokum?

/ October 6, 2017

Maximized Living: “5 Essentials” of Chiropractic Marketing Propaganda

What do vitalism, old school chiropractic subluxations, germ theory denial, detox supplements, marketing gimmicks, and practicing way beyond a reasonable scope have in common?

/ September 22, 2017