Category: Medical devices

Laser Therapy for Vaginal Rejuvenation
Some doctors are offering laser therapy for "vaginal rejuvenation". It is no more effective than placebo, can cause harm, and is very expensive.

Using Bacteria To Fight Bacteria
New research explores the possibility of using modified bacteria to fight the thorny problem of biofilms.

DNA Vibe Jazz Band
The DNA Vibe Jazz Band device promises to relieve pain and do other wonderful things. It has nothing to do with DNA, Jazz, or evidence.

Court overturns FDA ban on electric shock device used on special needs students
An FDA ban on using electric shock devices to control behavior in special needs students, a method deemed "torture" in a U.N. report, was overturned in a flawed court decision. The FDA should appeal.

Update on Energy Medicine Pain Patches: Jovi and Its Targeted Marketing Strategy
For many women, cramps are a regular feature of their menstrual periods. Jovi is being marketed as a cure. It isn't. It's just more energy medicine pain patch nonsense.

Energy Medicine Pain Relief Patches Are Laughable Quackery
There's no acceptable scientific evidence that these patches work to relieve pain. The advertising features pseudoscientific energy medicine gibberish. Good for a laugh, but not to be believed.

Blue Light
Blue light blocking glasses and other products that block blue light promise to improve eye health along with many other questionable claims. The evidence is lacking.

Placenta Eye Drops
If you thought eating the placenta was odd, what about putting it in your eye?

Taopatch Offers Everything… Except Science
Taopatch promises all kinds of vague benefits, but the mechanism of action is implausible and what they call scientific proof is no such thing.