Category: Science and Medicine

Belief in Homeopathy Results in the Death of a 7-Year-Old Italian Child

Yet another child has suffered and died because of belief in pseudomedical nonsense, this time when his parents chose homeopathy rather than appropriate medical evaluation.

/ June 14, 2019

Patients Blinded by Stem Cell Therapy: FDA (and consumers) win a legal victory!

The Food and Drug Administration just won a court case supporting the agency's ability to regulate stem cell clinics that rely on client-derived adipose tissues. This is a win for consumer protection, though too late to help those already harmed.

/ June 10, 2019

U.S. Measles Elimination Status in Jeopardy as the Number of Cases Reach 25 Year High

Thanks in large part to anti-vaccine propaganda and decreasing vaccination rates, 2019 is shaping up to be a bad year when it comes to measles outbreaks, the worst in over 2 decades to be exact. And we are now at risk of losing our hard-fought elimination status.

/ May 31, 2019

The Best Science from The New England Journal of Medicine

The editor-in-chief of The New England Journal of Medicine has selected a dozen articles published during his tenure that epitomize the best of science-based medicine.

/ May 21, 2019

Is Dentistry Science Based?

A recent article in The Atlantic claims that dentistry is not science-based. Is it right? Nah.

/ May 17, 2019

New Research Reveals a Startling Increase in Pediatric Foreign-Body Ingestions

New research has revealed a significant increase in pediatric foreign-body ingestions over the past 20 years, including life-threatening batteries and magnets.

/ April 19, 2019

A Review of Under Our Skin, A Cult Classic

Under Our Skin is a propaganda film attempting to sell viewers dangerous treatments for 'chronic Lyme disease', a rejected diagnosis not recognized by any legitimate medical organization.

/ April 8, 2019

Chiropractic Manipulation Under Anesthesia in Infants with Congenital Torticollis: All Risk and No Benefit

It may sound too unethical to be true, but some chiropractors and their conventional medical conspirators are placing infants under general anesthesia for treatment of congenital muscular torticollis

/ April 5, 2019

Soothing Your Heart: Does practicing self-compassion have physical and mental health benefits?

Does a recent study demonstrate that being kind to yourself has benefits for your mental and physical health?

/ April 1, 2019

Vape Nation: Vaping Is Bad, Kids

The Surgeon General declared youth e-cigarette use to be an epidemic, but many vaping communities online downplay the risks. What does the evidence show?

/ March 29, 2019