Tag: Vinay Prasad

Stanford: The Usual Suspects

Stanford University will host a conference on pandemic planning featuring the usual (COVID-19) suspects

This week, Stanford University announced a conference on pandemic policy that features several of the usual suspects who spread misinformation during the COVID-19 pandemic. Truly, Stanford has become the "respectable" academic face of efforts to undermine public health.

/ August 26, 2024

Dr. Vinay Prasad Opposed The Pediatric COVID Vaccine Before There Was A Pediatric COVID Vaccine

Dr. Vinay Prasad started treating vaccine side effects as a fate worse than death in January 2021, before there was a COVID vaccine for children.

/ August 25, 2024

Pandemic Revisionism: Doctors Who Defend Dr. Scott Atlas Are Afraid to Accurately Quote Dr. Scott Atlas. I’m Not.

"There is an ongoing, competitive process of writing the history of the pandemic." This isn't just about the past. It's about the future.

/ July 6, 2024

Dr. Vinay Prasad vs. a VAERS study finding more reports of vaccine injury in red states

Dr. Vinay Prasad attacks an epidemiological study published in JAMA Open Network reporting that people in red states are more likely to report vaccine injuries, claiming that a more rigorous study would "not be difficult," when he knows that it would be very difficult.

/ April 8, 2024

Science Based Satire: What I Would Have Done

A man who experienced the pandemic entirely from his laptop, explains what he would have done had he actually done anything.

/ February 4, 2024

Dr. Adam Cifu: “We Now Need to Accept That This is Here to Get Infected With Again and Again.”

If Dr. Adam Cifu were genuinely concerned about vaccine hesitancy, I would strongly encourage him to learn about the anti-vaccine movement. He'll discover that it is fueled not by a lack of "robust data" on COVID boosters, but rather by exactly the sort of mistrust and anti-vaccine misinformation spread by his own blog and collaborators.

/ January 20, 2024

Doctors on Measles: “NEVER Listen to the Anti-Vax Cult When They Say This ‘Natural’ Disease is Harmless”. Doctors on COVID: 😂

Measles and COVID are different, of course, but they are not categorically different. With both viruses, unvaccinated children suffer the most. Yet, doctors who rightly said "measles can be a devastating childhood illness" also said it was "breathless fear-mongering" to acknowledge that COVID can also be a devastating childhood illness.

/ September 22, 2023

When Did “Herd Immunity” Become a Taboo Phrase?

Doctors who repeatedly predicted herd immunity in 2020 and 2021, mocking and berating those who disagreed, now treat herd immunity as a taboo phrase.

/ September 12, 2023
Do Not Comply

Dr. Vinay Prasad fully embraces the antivax message of “do not comply”

COVID-19 "contrarians" like Dr. Vinay Prasad have long complained about being labelled "antivaccine," which they view as unfair. Why, then, do they embrace antivax messages like "do not comply," even if they don't use the exact words?

/ September 11, 2023