Tag: pediatrics

Minimizing COVID Via Postmodernism

An exploration of how, under the guise of "reason", doctors who desperate to be different no matter the evidence have embraced the position that there are no aspects of reality that are objective and that feelings matter more than facts.

/ July 24, 2022

Recent trends in pediatric chiropractic use: the good, the bad, and the unhelpful

A new study looks into the numbers behind pediatric chiropractic in the United States. There isn't much new here, but it adds a bit of nuance to the discussion. Still, it's clear that we need better data.

/ July 8, 2022

The Shocking Link Between a Popular Toy Company and Preventable Infant Deaths

The 2019 recall of a dangerous infant sleep product helped uncover how corporate greed and poor federal regulations contributed to preventable deaths and helped lead to improvements that will save lives.

/ June 24, 2022

Was the Delta Variant 😂 for Children?

Maybe this year, sheltered doctors will realize that variants with the potential to hospitalize and kill children can't just be brushed away with 😂 and that sarcastic requests to wait "2 weeks🙄" rarely age well.

/ June 19, 2022

Naked Emperors and Laptop Class Doctors

The authors of this statement are anti-vaccine: "The idea that everyone must be vaccinated against COVID-19 is as misguided as the anti-vax idea that no one should. The former is more dangerous for public health."

/ May 26, 2022

Methodolatry and COVID

Doctors who call for an RCT for everything generally haven't run a single RCT on anything. Why is this?

/ May 12, 2022

Pediatric Hepatitis, A Medical Rorschach Test

Because they are from an old, established cause, pediatric deaths from COVID have receded into the background, overshadowed by pediatric hepatitis.

/ May 6, 2022

The CDC and WHO Have Reported an Unusual Cluster of Severe Pediatric Hepatitis Cases

An unusual cluster of severe liver disease in children is being reported around the world. The cause isn't entirely clear, but it may be an uncommon presentation of a common viral infection that isn't COVID-19.

/ April 29, 2022

Normalizing Dead Children

Pediatric fatalities from both guns and COVID could be greatly reduced if more people simply cared.

/ April 22, 2022

Science Fiction at the Wall Street Journal

Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan famously said "Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts". It's my opinion that no child should die for lack of a vaccine. The editors of The Wall Street Journal disagree

/ March 27, 2022