Tag: Jeffrey Tucker

conspiracy theory

The ultimate COVID-19 antivax conspiracy theory, courtesy of the Brownstone Institute and Jeffrey Tucker

I've long argued that antivax beliefs, indeed all science denial, is conspiracy theory. Leave it to The Brownstone Institute's Jeffery Tucker to make my point better for me than I ever could. Of course, Brownstone was always going to "go there."

/ May 27, 2024

Science Based Satire: What I Would Have Done

A man who experienced the pandemic entirely from his laptop, explains what he would have done had he actually done anything.

/ February 4, 2024
The Great Barrington Declaration

The Great Barrington Declaration and “natural herd immunity” versus public health three years later

Over the weekend, Jeffrey Tucker, founder of the Brownstone Institute, crowed about how the Great Barrington Declaration and its recommendation of a "natural herd immunity" approach to the pandemic changed everything three years ago. Unfortunately, as the John Snow Project pointed out last week, the "natural herd immunity" approach has done what could be irreparable damage to public health science and, more...

/ November 13, 2023

Minimizing COVID Via Pseudo-Profound Bullshit

Some COVID-minimizers use "seemingly impressive assertions that are presented as true and meaningful but are actually vacuous" to fool people into thinking they are receiving profound, secret knowledge. It's actually just bullshit.

/ September 23, 2022
Brownstone Institute

The “spiritual child of the Great Barrington Declaration” promotes antivaccine misinformation

The signatories of the Great Barrington Declaration and its "spiritual child" the Brownstone Institute, swear up and down that they are not anttivaccine. If that's so, why are Brownstone-affiliated academics spreading antivaccine misinformation in Uganda?

/ January 24, 2022