Tag: homeopathy

EBM hierarchy

Evidence-based medicine vs. basic science in medical school

Last week Dr. Vinay Prasad wrote a Substack arguing that medical students should learn the principles of evidence-based medicine before basic science.This is a recipe for amplifying the main flaw in EBM that science-based medicine was meant to correct, and Dr. Prasad's arguments would have been right at home on an integrative medicine blog. [Note ADDENDUM.]

/ May 22, 2023
Cochrane Collaborative

The Cochrane mask fiasco: How the evidence-based medicine paradigm can produce misleading results

Last week, the Cochrane Collaborative was forced to walk back the conclusions of a review by Tom Jefferson et al that had been spun in the media as proving that "masks don't work." Tom Jefferson himself has been problematic about vaccines for a long time, but the rot goes deeper. What is it about the evidence-based medicine paradigm that results in misleading...

/ March 13, 2023

Ivermectin booster Dr. Tess Lawrie goes all-in for homeopathy for COVID and long COVID

Tess Lawrie has been promoting ivermectin for COVID-19 for two and a half years. Of late, she has becoming more of a general multipurpose quack, promoting ivermectin to treat cancer. Now she's promoting homeopathy for COVID and long COVID while a Research Fellow at St. Mary's University Twickenham. What does this tell us about medicine?

/ March 6, 2023
Aragorn at the Black Gate of Mordor

After 15 years of SBM: Lessons learned and what the future holds

Last week, Dr. Novella discussed what SBM has accomplished over the last 15 years. I'm going to discuss lessons learned, what has changed, and remaining huge challenges. Unfortunately, after the pandemic, our position in 2022 reminds me even more than ever of Aragorn at the Black Gate of Mordor, but that does not mean things are hopeless.

/ December 26, 2022
NRLM results

Some Sepsis Stuff

Sepsis interventions. Some don't work and some don't work.

/ October 20, 2022

Lawsuits against US pharmacy chains selling homeopathy to proceed

An Appeals Court will permit CFI to challenge Walmart and CVS for selling homeopathy alongside conventional medicine.

/ October 13, 2022

Homeopathy and Pre-Registered Trials

Preregistering clinical trials is a great idea, but we have to actually track registration.

/ May 18, 2022

Columbia University finally cuts ties with America’s Quack Dr. Oz

Decades after Dr. Oz pioneered "integrating" quackery into medicine and after many years of promoting diet scams and quackery on a nationally syndicated daily television show, Columbia University appears finally to have had enough and has quietly downgraded his status. What took so long?

/ May 2, 2022

Prince Charles and Alternative Medicine

Prince Charles is a strong advocate for alternative medicine and is proud to be "the enemy of the Enlightenment." For the first time, Edzard Ernst tells the full story of Charles' ignorance and folly.

/ February 15, 2022
Detox Your Body (sign)

Detox: What “They” Don’t Want You To Know

Before you start your New Year’s detox, here's a tip that will save you time, money, and possibly your health.

/ January 2, 2022