Tag: homeopathy

Walmart sued for deceiving customers in selling homeopathic remedies

A lawsuit claiming Walmart fraudulently deceives consumers in the sale of worthless homeopathic remedies has been filed by the Center for Inquiry (CFI), acting on behalf of the general public. CFI says co-mingling ineffective homeopathic products with science-based treatments on Walmart's pharmacy shelves and website misleads customers into thinking they are equivalent, when "there is not a shred of credible scientific evidence"...

/ June 6, 2019

Randomized controlled trial of homeopathic nosodes finds, not surprisingly, that they are useless

Magic sugar pills go head-to-head against actual vaccines in a randomized controlled trial. The results will not surprise you.

/ April 4, 2019

Médecins Sans Medicine? “Homeopaths without borders” giving sugar pills for infectious diseases in Honduras

Canadian homeopaths are in Honduras, and claim their magic water remedies can prevent diseases such as Chagas, dengue, and chikungunya.

/ March 7, 2019

Canada Is Sending Homeopaths to Honduras

The Canadian government is sending homeopaths to Honduras as part of an aid program. They dropped the ball on this one, and should just admit error and correct it, but they are doubling-down instead.

/ March 6, 2019

Homeopath Quits Homeopathy but Thinks the Homeopathic Approach Has Value

A former homeopath shows that there's nothing scientific about homeopathy; in fact, it contradicts all known scientific principles. Nevertheless she finds value in the homeopathic approach to the patient and thinks all providers can learn from it.

/ February 26, 2019

Pharmacies continue to sell sugar pills as flu remedy

Oscillococcinum is a homeopathic remedy that is made by taking the heart and liver of a duck and diluting it to nothing. It's a placebo, but sold widely by pharmacies as a "treatment" for colds and influenza.

/ January 24, 2019

Crowdfunding: The fuel for cancer quackery (part 2)

In September, The Good Thinking Society released a study estimating the scope of crowdfunding for cancer quackery in the UK. Now, Jeremy Snyder and Tim Caulfield have done the same for the US, specifically for homeopathy for cancer. The results are alarming. Truly, crowdfunding is the fuel for cancer quackery. But will GoFundMe and other crowdfunding sites clean up their acts?

/ January 7, 2019

Functional medicine: Reams of useless tests in one hand, a huge invoice in the other

"Functional medicine" preaches the "biochemical individuality" of each patient, which is why one of its key features is that its practitioners order reams of useless lab tests and then try to correct every abnormal level without considering (or even knowing) what these abnormalities mean, if anything. So they make up fake diagnoses and profit.

/ December 17, 2018

Release Active Drugs – Homeopathy By Another Name

A Russian company is marketing "release active drugs" as a new medical technology, but it is just bogus homeopathy dressed up with new jargon.

/ December 12, 2018

Not just water! This homeopathy is contaminated with bacteria

Homeopathy from King Bio may contain an unlabelled ingredient: Bacterial contamination.

/ September 6, 2018