Tag: clinical practice

Malingering: The Lord Voldemort of Medicine
Understanding of malingering isn’t advanced with acquiescence and silence

Don’t Jump to Conclusions About So-Called TikTok Tics
A lot of people, even some experts, are making assumptions about so-called "TikTok tics" that might be inaccurate or even harmful for young people with Tourette syndrome.

Responding to SBM Critics
A response to a critic of SBM, and setting the record straight on our actual positions regarding evidence and the practice of medicine.
Uncertainty in Medicine
Medicine is an uncertain business. It is an applied science, applying the results of basic science knowledge and clinical studies to patients who are individuals with differing heredity, environment, and history. It is commonly assumed that modern science-based doctors know what they are doing, but quite often they don’t know for certain. Different doctors interpret the same evidence differently; there is uncertainty...

Clinical Decision-Making: Part II
How do doctors make clinical decisions to arrive at a diagnosis? Part 2 of a 3-part series.
Sex and Racial Bias in Cardiac Care
Sex and racial biases in cardiac care partly reflect cognitive biases that can be corrected with education.