Category: Medical Ethics
Nurse Practitioner Pushes Dubious Aesthetic Treatments
Nurse practitioner aggressively advertises a plethora of aesthetic treatments, some of which are dubious. It's legal, but is it ethical?
American Family Physician Endorses Acupuncture
A CME article in American Family Physician misrepresents the evidence, claiming acupuncture has been proven safe and effective. An accompanying editorial gives despicable advice on how to manipulate patients to accept this theatrical placebo.
“Young blood” infusions: same old snake oil
There's no reliable evidence that an infusion of blood plasma from a young donor will benefit an older person, and there are risks, but Ambrosia Health is selling "young blood" infusions for thousands of dollars anyway. The FDA has taken notice.
Medical Apartheid
Harriet Washington's book tells the dark history of medical experimentation on black Americans. It also reveals broader problems of inequality, poor science, and human failures.
Clínica 0-19: False hope in Monterrey for brain cancer patients (part 4)
Last week, Annabelle Potts, a girl with the deadly brain cancer DIPG, passed away. She had made the news in Australia and worldwide because she had been treated at Clínica 0-19 in Monterrey, Mexico, where Drs. Alberto Garcia and Alberto Siller treat DIPG patients with a secret unproven mix of intra-arterial chemotherapy injected directly into the arteries feeding the brainstem, all while...
The stem cell hard sell: The Medical Board of California is forming a task force to determine how to regulate physicians offering stem cell therapies.
For-profit stem cell clinics selling unproven and downright quacky stem cell therapies have proliferated over the last several years, with federal and state law seemingly powerless to stop them. Recently, the FDA and FTC have shown signs of acting to crack down on them. Now, the Medical Board of California is forming a task force to determine how to regulate physicians offering...
Integrative Medicine finally admits it’s attracting bad apples
Integrative medicine proponents finally acknowledge their field is attracting bad apples but fail to identify the real source of their problem: It's rejection of science-based medicine, not lack of training in integrative medicine.
Gender Dysphoria in Children
Gender transitions are becoming more and more common. Adults can make informed decisions about hormone treatments and gender reassignment surgeries, but what about children?
The Primum non nocere principle in psychotherapy: A science based approach
Is the principle of primum non nocere, to do no harm, applied by psychotherapists?
Chinese Researcher Reports First Gene-Edited Babies
A Chinese scientist announces first gene-edited babies, setting off a discussion of the science and ethics of using CRISPR on humans.