Month: December 2022
It Will Take More Than “Courage” to Restore Public Trust in Medicine
Judah Kreinbrook, a first year medical student, responds to a post on Sensible Medicine by a medical student that exaggerated the risk of myocarditis from COVID-19 vaccines while expressing anger at how trust in medicine has been undermined. Having been raised by a family steeped in antivaccine views, Kreinbrook invokes his journey to SBM to gently correct his fellow medical student and...
Misinformation is Censorship
It's impossible to have a meaningful conversation with a misinformed interlocutor- and there are many- who insists COVID is just the flu, it poses a "negligible" risk to a healthy person younger than 65, and the pandemic ended long ago.
Should You Take Vitamin D Supplements?
Recent research found that supplemental vitamin D doesn't prevent fractures or have any effect on the diseases it has been claimed to help, and blood tests for vitamin D are useless.
After 15 years of SBM: Lessons learned and what the future holds
Last week, Dr. Novella discussed what SBM has accomplished over the last 15 years. I'm going to discuss lessons learned, what has changed, and remaining huge challenges. Unfortunately, after the pandemic, our position in 2022 reminds me even more than ever of Aragorn at the Black Gate of Mordor, but that does not mean things are hopeless.
Ron Johnson’s “vaccine round table” does little to actually help patients.
Sen. Ron Johnson held a roundtable discussion earlier this month regarding COVID-19 vaccine injuries. It featured a cast of antivax grifter and typical antivax talking points that we've come to know since the pandemic hit. This antivax propaganda exercise helps no one other than the antivaccine movement.
More COVID More Measles?
There are a number of potential problems children are facing that are related to the ongoing SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, not the least of which is a rise in vaccine hesitancy and even anti-vaccine belief.
Does xenon gas improve athletic performance?
Were the Russians on to something in 2014 by huffing xenon gas?
Treating Nightmares with a Smart Watch
Preliminary evidence suggests a watch may help people with severe nightmares. Of course, more research is needed.
Do COVID-19 vaccines cause “turbo cancer”?
Over the last several months, antivaxxers have been claiming that COVID-19 vaccines cause "turbo cancer", cancers (or cancer recurrences) of a particularly aggressive and fast-growing variety diagnosed in younger and younger patients. "Turbo cancer" is not a thing, and the evidence cited is as weak as any antivax "evidence", including anecdotes and misinterpretation of epidemiology.
15 Years of SBM
A look back at a decade and a half of SBM.