Month: March 2022
Vitamin D for the prevention of COVID-19: A randomized controlled trial
A large clinical trial shows vitamin D supplementation had no effect on COVID-19.
Update on Long COVID
Recent evidence suggests the burden of long COVID is significant.
Videos Said to be “Proof” that Nonverbal Autistics Can Communicate by Spelling
The father of nonverbal autistic child believes videos constitute proof that other children with autism can communicate by by pointing to letters on a board held by a facilitator to spell out words. He is wrong.
Science Fiction at the Wall Street Journal
Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan famously said "Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts". It's my opinion that no child should die for lack of a vaccine. The editors of The Wall Street Journal disagree
The Stem Cell Ophthalmology Treatment Study (SCOTS): Part 2
Today we continue an analysis of a dubious stem cell clinical trial, with an examination of the clinic and personnel involved.
COVID and Our Warped Sense of Normal
Children are not supposed to die. This didn't used to be controversial.
State Attorneys General pursue consumer protection law claims against stem cell clinics
State Attorneys General are pursuing stem cell clinics offering unproven therapies and engaging in fake clinical trials using state consumer protection and false advertising laws, seeking monetary penalties and injunctive relief. Until there is rational, comprehensive stem cell regulation, these actions can help fill the regulatory gap.
Allergy Release Technique
A dubious intervention for food allergies follows a typical pattern for such treatments.
Death by Aromatherapy
An aromatherapy room spray was contaminated with bacteria that caused melioidosis, resulting in deaths and serious sequelae. Buyers were misled.