Tag: vitamin K
Update on Vitamin K Refusal
Vitamin K shots at birth are a safe and effective method for preventing bleeding, but that doesn't stop some parents from refusing.
From the Vault: Newborn Vitamin K Shots Save Baby Lives
I've gone into the vault in order to save new content until after technical difficulties have been ironed out. Here is one of my earliest and most memorable (to me) posts on the newborn vitamin K shot and risks of refusing it.
Corrigendum. The Week in Review for 04/09/2017
The NECSS is coming. Acupuncturists mimic chiropractic. Flu vaccine prevents death. In the UK they care more for cats than people. The problem is my middle burner, not too many burgers. And more.
K2: The Vitamin, Not the Mountain
Science is complicated. Simple concepts that appear at first to be obviously true or untrue usually turn out to be more nuanced than we thought. Newtonian physics was taken as “the truth” until we learned in the 20th century that it didn’t apply on cosmological or subatomic scales. Medicine and human physiology are more complicated than most people realize or want to...