Tag: SARS-CoV-2

“This Would Translate to About 10,000 Deaths” Reflections From the Start of the Pandemic

“This would translate to about 10,000 deaths” Two years ago, Dr. John Ioannidis wrote an essay in STAT titled “A Fiasco in The Making? As The Coronavirus Pandemic Takes Hold, We Are Making Decisions Without Reliable Data.” It contained the following paragraph: If we assume that case fatality rate among individuals infected by SARS-CoV-2 is 0.3% in the general population — a...

/ March 17, 2022

They Have Names

Reality is not "fear-based messaging", and fewer children will die moving forward if their parents know a bit more about what the virus can do and how the vaccine can keep children safe.

/ March 5, 2022
The Cow-Pock

The return of the revenge of “COVID-19 mRNA vaccines permanently alter your DNA” and “lab leak”

Claims that COVID-19 vaccines "permanently alter your DNA" or that SARS-CoV-2 was engineered in a lab were resurrected last week based on two dubious studies. No matter how many times you think these myths have been debunked, they always come back for another installment of the same misinformation franchise.

/ February 28, 2022

A Medical Myth: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has quietly changed their standards for early childhood development

We should strive to retain our ability to be shocked and upset at doctors who pollute the COVID landscape with misinformation.

/ February 25, 2022
COVID-19 "natural immunity"

Which is best, vaccine-induced immunity, “natural immunity,” or “super immunity” to COVID-19?

Those opposed to public health interventions to slow the spread of COVID-19, including masks, "lockdowns," and vaccine mandates, are hyping "natural" immunity again as somehow "superior" to vaccine-acquired immunity. It's a deceptive simplification of a complex issue.

/ February 21, 2022
Oz challenges Fauci to debate

“Debate me, bro!”: Debate challenges by science deniers in the age of COVID-19

Quacks, science deniers, and conspiracy theorists love to challenge doctors, scientists, and science communicators to "live public debates" over the science they deny. I just say no, and you should say no too if you are in a position to receive such a challenge.

/ January 31, 2022

I Won’t Call Dr. Paul Offit an Anti-Vaxxer

Future data will clarify the risks and benefits of a booster in young people. I am confident Dr. Offit will accept it and report it as fairly as possible. That's what makes him completely different from contrarian doctors.

/ January 23, 2022

An Open Letter to ZDoggMD

I hope you'll agree with me that the biggest advocate for vaccination on social media should have no trouble sharing all of the facts about COVID-19 and children on a very frequent basis.

/ January 21, 2022

A Modest Proposal: Schools Must Open With Untested, Unmasked, Unvaccinated Children

Kids don’t need Covid-19 vaccines to return to school and the downsides of masking young students are real.

/ January 14, 2022