Tag: migraine
Update on Energy Medicine Pain Patches: Jovi and Its Targeted Marketing Strategy
For many women, cramps are a regular feature of their menstrual periods. Jovi is being marketed as a cure. It isn't. It's just more energy medicine pain patch nonsense.
A Pattern of Deceptive Video Ads for Supplements
I've been seeing a pattern of deceptive videos that promise to reveal a secret but make you watch the entire video to learn what it is. They feature alarmist stories, emotional language, and testimonials, but no actual science. They make claims that can't be believed.
Visual Stress
The Opticalm Clinic claims to diagnose and treat visual stress with colored lenses and other aids. Visual stress is a poorly defined, questionable condition and Opticalm's claims are not backed by scientific evidence.
Acupuncture for Migraine Unconvincing
The evidence for the effectiveness of acupuncture in migraines remains unconvincing, and a new study changes nothing.
Keto Diet for Neurological Disorders
Does the ketogenic diet work for epilepsy or other neurological disorders? While the consensus is that it probably does, the evidence is surprisingly thin.
Corrigendum. The Week in Review for 05/28/2017.
More measles in Minnesota. Yet another form of acupuncture: Snafu. CAM cancer studies are of poor quality. The future of CAM is LSD.
Acupuncture and Migraine – New JAMA Study
Yet another poorly designed acupuncture study with dubious results is being presented as if it were compelling evidence.
A Credible Placebo Control for Chiropractic Research
The research on chiropractic has been far from rigorous. One of the problems is that studies of spinal manipulation therapy (SMT) can’t be double blinded, and it is very difficult to even do single blinding. So most studies resort to non-manipulation control groups like “usual care” or “wait list” or “pain medication.” Those studies are practically guaranteed to lead to false positive...
How Not to Treat Migraine
Last week I gave a quick overview of standard treatment options for migraine, a severe form of recurrent headaches. As promised, this week I will address some common treatments for migraine that I don’t think are supported by the evidence. Acupuncture Acupuncture is the CAM modality that, it seems to me, has infiltrated the furthest into mainstream medicine, including for the treatment...
Treating Migraines
I am a headache specialist and so I receive many questions, through SBM, NeuroLogica or listeners of the Skeptic’s Guide to the Universe, about how to best treat headaches, or about a specific, often unusual, treatment. Migraines and severe headaches are very common. According to the latest statistics: 14.2% of US adults 18 or older reported having migraine or severe headache in...