Tag: Martin Kulldorff

The Semmelweis gambit: A red flag for defending bad science and quackery
A proponent of the Great Barrington Declaration is comparing rejection of its "natural herd immunity" approach to the pandemic to the rejection of Ignaz Semmelweis and his findings. It's a deceptive comparison beloved of all manner of scientific cranks.

Stanford University will host a conference on pandemic planning featuring the usual (COVID-19) suspects
This week, Stanford University announced a conference on pandemic policy that features several of the usual suspects who spread misinformation during the COVID-19 pandemic. Truly, Stanford has become the "respectable" academic face of efforts to undermine public health.

Science Based Satire: What I Would Have Done
A man who experienced the pandemic entirely from his laptop, explains what he would have done had he actually done anything.

The Great Barrington Declaration and “natural herd immunity” versus public health three years later
Over the weekend, Jeffrey Tucker, founder of the Brownstone Institute, crowed about how the Great Barrington Declaration and its recommendation of a "natural herd immunity" approach to the pandemic changed everything three years ago. Unfortunately, as the John Snow Project pointed out last week, the "natural herd immunity" approach has done what could be irreparable damage to public health science and, more...

When Did “Herd Immunity” Become a Taboo Phrase?
Doctors who repeatedly predicted herd immunity in 2020 and 2021, mocking and berating those who disagreed, now treat herd immunity as a taboo phrase.

Brownstone Institute admits that the Great Barrington Declaration was wrong (without actually admitting it was wrong)
The Brownstone Institute's Gabrielle Bauer claims vindication for the Great Barrington Declaration, the October 2020 document that advocated a "natural herd immunity" pandemic strategy, with an ill-defined "focused protection" strategy to protect those most at risk of death. In the fine print, however, Bauer tacitly admits that its core assumption was badly mistaken, minimizing it as not getting all the "details" right.

I Didn’t Encourage the Spread of COVID. Was I Unethical?
No. I was not unethical.

Lockdowns “Postponed the Inevitable”. Is That a Bad Thing?
Lockdowns postponed COVID for millions of people until after they were vaccinated. Some doctors feel that's a bad thing.

Science denial, overconfidence, and persuasion
The pandemic has brought scientists who have rejected science with respect to COVID-19 public health measures a disturbing level of influence. Recent research suggests reasons why and who among the public susceptible to such misinformation remains persuadable.

Science Based Satire: We Need Randomized Controlled Clinical Trials of SARS-CoV-2
Before we make any more decisions regarding SARS-CoV-2, we urgently need to conduct large, long-term RCTs of it. I am astonished this is controversial in the medical community.