Tag: COVID-19

Ivermectin repurposing

Ivermectin is the new hydroxychloroquine, take 6: Incompetence and fraud everywhere!

Ivermectin is the new hydroxychloroquine, a drug repurposed for COVID-19 that almost certainly doesn't work but is still being touted as a "miracle cure" by quacks, grifters, and political ideologues. Are the data supporting it all fraud?

/ October 11, 2021

The Trolley Problem and Vaccinating Young People Against COVID-19

The harms we cause often lead to more grief than the harms we fail to prevent. Is this why some doctors are willing to leave young people vulnerable to a deadly virus?

/ October 8, 2021
"Natural" splendor:

“Natural immunity” versus the vaccine for COVID-19

Antivaxxers have long appealed to "natural immunity" as being somehow inherently superior to vaccine-induced immunity, which is apparently "artificial". This is a trope that comes from alternative medicine concepts about purity and contamination that is now endangering us in the age of the pandemic.

/ October 4, 2021
Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB)

State medical boards vs. COVID-19 misinformation, an update

The disinformation epidemic about COVID-19 has pushed state medical boards to consider disciplining physicians who promote COVID-19 disinformation. How would that work? What are the obstacles? Is it even possible? It should be, but it will be messy and complicated.

/ September 27, 2021

Lions Led by Donkeys, 1917

Those who sent unprotected children into classrooms filled with COVID-19 must be remembered for more than their unparalleled capacity for self-pity, inglorious oppression fantasies, and juvenile trolling of public officials.

/ September 24, 2021

 Dr. Joseph Ladapo of “America’s Frontline Doctors” is now in charge of public health in Florida

Dr. Joseph Ladapo, a member of the fringe medical group "American's Frontline Doctors" and signer of the widely criticized Great Barrington Declaration, is Florida's new Surgeon General, appointed because he agrees with the dubious COVID-19 policies of Gov. DeSantis and, like the Governor, allows ideology to trump science.

/ September 23, 2021

Chipping Away at Vaccine Hesitancy

How to persuade the remaining unvaccinated.

/ September 22, 2021
VAERS: How did we get here?

The dumpster diving VAERS preprint debacle: How did we get here?

Last week, SBM devoted a lot of digital ink to a poorly done study analyzing the VAERS database for myocarditis after COVID-19 vaccination that was widely publicized to imply that the vaccine is more dangerous than the disease. Three out of the four authors should have known better, leading me to ask: How did we get here?

/ September 20, 2021

Intubations and Accusations: Doctors were “just going crazy, and intubating people who did not have to be intubated”

It's problematic when a paragon of evidence-based medicine claims vaccines spread disease and amplifies internet rumors that doctors killed COVID-19 patients through premature intubations.

/ September 19, 2021
Cardiac MRI

Myocarditis and how to think about it… like a cardiologist

In response to the dumpster-diving VAERS study published earlier this month, pediatric cardiologist and guest blogger Dr. Frank Han adds context by explaining how cardiologists think about and diagnose myocarditis.

/ September 18, 2021