Tag: chronic Lyme disease

“(Un)Well:” Netflix’s Documentary Series Is Poor Journalism That Neglects Science
The (Un)Well documentary series on Netflix asks "Wellness: does it bring health and healing, or are we falling victim to false promises?" But instead of answers, it offers false balance and confusion.

Avoid prolonged antibiotics for “Chronic Lyme”
There is no evidence to suggest that "chronic Lyme" exists, or that long-term antibiotics are required to treat it.

Crowdfunding unproven stem cell treatments: overstated efficacy, unstated risks
Crowdfunding campaigns for unproven stem cell treatments exaggerate the benefits and underemphasize the risks, all the while raising considerable funds and generating social media buzz.

More Political Science: Proposed laws protect “Lyme literate” doctors from discipline
"Lyme literate" doctors are scamming patients out of thousands of dollars with needless long-term antibiotics based on a fake diagnosis of "chronic Lyme." So why are state legislators trying to protect these doctors from discipline and make insurers pay for unnecessary treatments?

Another “Chronic Lyme” VIP disciplined by NY medical authorities: Bernard Raxlen
Another "Lyme literate" NY physician is on probation and under orders to clean up his act. Will other physicians treating "chronic Lyme" take note?

Jarisch-Herxheimer and Lyme disease
When patients diagnosed with chronic Lyme are treated, no matter what happens as a response to the treatment is considered by believers to be evidence in support of the diagnosis. If they get better, then that is evidence that the treatment is working. If they get worse, then that is evidence that the treatment is working and they are experiencing the JHR...

“Chronic Lyme” VIP Daniel Cameron disciplined by New York medical authorities
"Chronic Lyme" guru Daniel Cameron, MD, has been put on 3-year probation by New York medical authorities. Will fellow "Lyme literate" doctors take note?

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. promotes an awful epidemiology study linking vaccines and neurological conditions from…Yale?
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. has never seen a lousy study linking vaccines to bad things that he didn't like. This is no exception. Oddly enough, this study was funded and carried out by a lawyer and an investment banker, with the help of an eminent Yale pediatrician. Of course, the study doesn't show what RFK Jr. thinks it shows.

Florida revokes medical license of “Lyme literate” doctor
Florida finally revoked the medical license of “Lyme literate” doctor John Lentz, who honed his diagnostic skills and treatments in ILADS seminars and treated “chronic Lyme” for almost a decade. Why does the system allow this?