Tag: antivaccine movement
Audience Capture: When COVID Influencers Follow Their Followers
Young doctors take heed. Be careful not to develop a brand and cultivate followers you must continually impress. Because instead of leading your followers, you might become their follower.
The State of Florida spreads antivaccine disinformation disguised as an epidemiological “study”
On Friday, Florida State Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo released a non-peer-reviewed "study" that recommends against males aged 18 to 39 receiving mRNA COVID-19 vaccines based on bad epidemiology and science. This is the first time that we've seen a state government weaponize bad science to spread antivaccine disinformation as official policy, a dangerous new escalation in antivaccine propaganda.
Antivaxxers rejoice at the “silver lining” from the pandemic, spillover of distrust of COVID-19 vaccines to all vaccines
Distrust of COVID-19 vaccines has lead to spillover of distrust to all childhood vaccines, and antivaxxers are rejoicing.
COVID-19 vaccination and myocarditis: another preprint
A preprint from Thailand gives us more information about vaccine-associated myocarditis in younger people, but should not be weaponized by antivaccine activists as a reason to avoid vaccination against COVID-19.
Can COVID Vaccines Travel in Space and Time?
Are COVID vaccines to blame for the return of polio?
The ABIM vs. medical misinformation: Better late than never?
Last week, the New England Journal of Medicine published an editorial by the President of ABIM discussing how the board certification can be taken away from diplomates who spread medical misinformation. Is this too little, too late?
Mercola and Kennedy sue Sen. Elizabeth Warren for combating their COVID misinformation
Quack tycoon Joseph Mercola and anti-vaccine crank Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., have filed a lawsuit against U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren claiming she violated their First Amendment rights when she complained that Amazon was peddling COVID misinformation, citing Mercola’s recent misinformation-filled book on COVID as an example.
Super Immunity vs Anti-Vaxxers
Anti-vaxxers continue to spread demonstrable misinformation, while the evidence for the benefits of COVID vaccines grows.
Why It’s Worthwhile to Debunk Shivambu
Richard Feynman famously said, "The first principle is that you must not fool yourself—and you are the easiest person to fool". This is the most important lesson skepticism has to offer.