Results for: herbal

Does marshmallow root tea have medicinal benefits?

Many medicinal benefits are attributed to marshmallow root. What does the evidence actually say?

/ April 14, 2022
Ivermectin repurposing

Science-based medicine isn’t just for CAM. The case of ivermectin shows that it never was.

Another large randomized controlled trial for ivermectin showed no efficacy for the early treatment of COVID-19. This is not a surprise to science-based medicine advocates. Here's why the story of ivermectin shows that SBM isn't just for "complementary and alternative medicine" (CAM) —and never was.

/ April 4, 2022

FTC targets physicians’ COVID claims with cease-and-desist letters

The FTC recently announced it had issued 20 more cease-and-desist demands to physicians and others claiming their products and services prevent or treat COVID-19 without sufficient scientific backing. Unfortunately, this has not stopped many of the targets from making other bogus health claims.

/ February 24, 2022
Black Oxygen Organics (BOO)

BOO: Or how “magic dirt” became a MLM miracle cure scam for COVID-19

"BOO" stands for Black Oxygen Organics, a "cure" for COVID-19 that got the attention of regulators last week. Basically, it's dirt billed by its believers as "magic dirt" that sells for $110 a bag (plus shipping) through a multilevel marketing sales model. What can this latest COVID cure tell us about the relationship between alternative medicine and COVID-19 denial?

/ December 6, 2021

Quack Protection Acts advance in state legislatures

Proposed laws in Wisconsin and Massachusetts would protect quacks who defraud patients with useless, and sometimes dangerous, nostrums, by essentially allowing them to practice medicine without a license. These Quack Protection Acts should not pass.

/ December 2, 2021

Blue Zones Diet: Speculation Based on Misinformation

The Blue Zones where people live longer may be a myth. The Blue Zone Diet is based on speculation, not solid science.

/ October 12, 2021

Deadly Alkaline Water Case Highlights Problems with Bottled Water Regulations

Bottled water can be convenient, and sometimes necessary, but it is unfortunately not always as safe as it should be. A recent case of toxic alkaline water hospitalizing several people, and killing one woman, shines a spotlight on problems with regulation of the industry.

/ September 3, 2021

Buzzword Medicine – Anti-Proinflammation

Does it make sense to simultaneously recommend interventions to suppress and boost the immune system?

/ August 11, 2021
Ivermectin repurposing

Ivermectin is the new hydroxychloroquine, take 5: The Nobel Prize gambit

Ivermectin continues to be the new hydroxychloroquine, an unproven repurposed drug promoted to treat COVID-19. Now the advocates are pointing to the history of the drug's developers being awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine, as though that has anything to do with its effectiveness against COVID-19.

/ August 9, 2021