Results for: "Vitamin D"

Update on Vitamin K Refusal

Vitamin K shots at birth are a safe and effective method for preventing bleeding, but that doesn't stop some parents from refusing.

/ February 26, 2020

Milk and Health: The Evidence

A useful review of all the current evidence about milk and health provides a lot of surprises. It shows that current recommendations are flawed and that much of what we have believed is wrong.

/ February 25, 2020
Statin Image

Can statins make you an asshole?

Can statins have rare but significant effects on behavior? A case study.

/ February 6, 2020

Alternative Medicine Exploits Coronavirus Fears

Alternative medicine has been quick to capitalize on the public's fear of coronavirus. They offer an array of bogus treatments.

/ February 4, 2020

Seizure Medications Safer Than Previously Thought for Breastfed Babies

A new study, recently published in JAMA Neurology, further supports the safety of breastfeeding while taking medications for epilepsy. But there are a couple caveats to be aware of.

/ January 10, 2020

Do dietary supplements affect the survival of cancer patients?

Do dietary supplements offer advantages or risks to breast cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy?

/ January 9, 2020
Mercola versus flu vaccines and COVID-19

“Natural health” and the antivaccine movement: The case of Dr. Joseph Mercola

Dr. Joseph Mercola has been selling quackery for over two decades. It turns out that he also promotes antivaccine pseudoscience, as a new report from The Washington Post shows.

/ December 23, 2019

Aging: Is It a Preventable Disease?

David Sinclair says aging is a disease that can be prevented and treated, and there is no reason life must end. The evidence he presents from scientific studies is intriguing, but far from definitive.

/ November 12, 2019
Quackery duck

A horrifying survey of “pediatric naturopathic oncology” practice

"Naturopathic oncology" is a specialty made up by naturopaths in order to justify using their quackery to treat cancer patients. A new survey takes it a step further and looks at using naturopathy to treat children with cancer, including the use of homeopathy, reiki, and restrictive diets.

/ October 7, 2019

Teenager? Anxious? Yes, there’s a supplement for that, too.

Health Canada has criticized the marketing of an "anxiety supplement" for teens, without recognizing the larger problem involved; the poor regulations and lack of safety and efficacy data for this, and many other supplements sold.

/ October 3, 2019