Results for: vitamins

Can supplements improve memory and cognition?

Can you reduce the risk of cognitive decline with dietary supplements?

/ September 1, 2022

What’s the Opposite of a Vaccine Selfie?

Healthcare workers know they are trusted professionals, and most take that responsibility seriously when sharing their vaccination choices with the public. What term should be used for doctors who use their social media clout to influence others to skip an important vaccine dose?

/ July 1, 2022
Depression and brain fog are common symptoms of long covid

The search for long COVID treatments

What are current treatments for long COVID, and are they effective?

/ April 28, 2022

FTC targets physicians’ COVID claims with cease-and-desist letters

The FTC recently announced it had issued 20 more cease-and-desist demands to physicians and others claiming their products and services prevent or treat COVID-19 without sufficient scientific backing. Unfortunately, this has not stopped many of the targets from making other bogus health claims.

/ February 24, 2022

State legislators dispense with standard of care for COVID treatment and encourage medical misinformation

State legislatures are considering bills that protect doctors and other health care providers from being held accountable for using unproven COVID-19 treatments and spreading medical misinformation.

/ February 10, 2022
Acupuncture needles

Does Acupuncture Increase Red and White Blood Cells and T-Cells?

An article by a medical acupuncturist claims that acupuncture increases red and white blood cells and T-cells. The evidence is far from convincing.

/ January 25, 2022

Eat for Life: Joel Fuhrman’s Nutritarian Diet

Joel Fuhrman thinks his Nutritarian diet will increase longevity and prevent or treat most chronic diseases. He claims it is based on science, but his evidence is far from convincing.

/ January 4, 2022

NAD Therapy

NAD therapy is touted as a cure-all for addiction and several chronic diseases. Evidence supporting these claims is lacking.

/ December 9, 2021
Black Oxygen Organics (BOO)

BOO: Or how “magic dirt” became a MLM miracle cure scam for COVID-19

"BOO" stands for Black Oxygen Organics, a "cure" for COVID-19 that got the attention of regulators last week. Basically, it's dirt billed by its believers as "magic dirt" that sells for $110 a bag (plus shipping) through a multilevel marketing sales model. What can this latest COVID cure tell us about the relationship between alternative medicine and COVID-19 denial?

/ December 6, 2021

Legislative Alchemy: Naturopathic licensing bill now before Wisconsin Senate Committee

Naturopaths are pushing for licensing in Wisconsin with a bill allowing them to practice as primary care doctors, prescribe drugs, and employ quack diagnostic testing and remedies. A powerful regulatory board controlled by naturopaths could expand their scope of practice at will.

/ October 21, 2021