Tag: varicella

Impressive New Data on the Benefit of Childhood Vaccines
A new study adds compelling evidence that vaccines given to young children prevents disease and saves the lives of people of all ages. It may not be surprising, but it's nice to see. Spread the word.

Vaccines in the News: The Good, the Bad, and the Imminent Loss of Our Measles Elimination Status
A quick recap of vaccine-related news from over the past several weeks.

The Revenge of Chicken Pox
Another outbreak, this time chickenpox, can be blamed on antivaxxers.

A Recent Case Report Highlights Why Skipping the Chickenpox Vaccine is a Bad Idea
Chickenpox is a nasty infection. And though it isn't as deadly as some other vaccine-preventable illnesses, it can cause severe complications even in healthy kids, especially those too young to be vaccinated against it. Ignore anyone who shrugs it off as "no big deal".
Shingles Vaccine (Zostavax) Confirmed Safe
Shingles (herpes zoster) is no fun. It usually begins with a couple of days of pain, then a painful rash breaks out and lasts a couple of weeks. The rash consists of blisters that eventually break open, crust over, and consolidate into an ugly plaque. It is localized to one side of the body and to a stripe of skin corresponding to...