Tag: gut microbiome

Shedding vaccine COVID-19

Antivax quacks are continuing to make up fantastical biological mechanisms for COVID-19 vaccine “shedding”

A couple of weeks ago, I discussed why antivax quacks' claimed biological mechanisms for COVID-19 vaccine "shedding" reminded me of homeopaths. Confabulation about fantastical scientific mechanisms continues, courtesy of "A Midwestern Doctor."

/ January 29, 2024

Motivation to Exercise in Mice

A new study in mice shows a connection between gut microbiome and willingness to exercise. Could this discovery lead to improved motivation to exercise in humans? Possibly, but we don't yet know if humans share the same pathway.

/ January 10, 2023

Artificial Sweeteners – A Free Lunch, or an Obesogenic Carcinogen? What 80+ Studies Say (part 2 of 2)

In the second and final chapter of this two part series, I conclude my exploration of the impact of artificial sweeteners on obesity, diabetes, the gut microbiome, and cancer.

/ June 4, 2021

Processed Foods and Autism

Reports of a "link" between processed food and autism highly misrepresent the actual findings of an in-vitro study.

/ July 3, 2019

The Paddison Program for rheumatoid arthritis: An unproven treatment that provides only the illusion of control

Clint Paddison is an Australian comedian with a science degree who developed rheumatoid arthritis at age 31. He now claims to have controlled it with a diet he developed to alter the gut microbiome. How plausible is his story, and does his Paddison Program work? Answer: Not very and almost certainly no.

/ April 29, 2019