Tag: goop

The New Year’s detox secret THEY don’t want you to know about
The dirty secret about detoxification and cleanses.

The Top COVID-19 Hucksters and Grifters…so far
It wouldn't be a health crisis without those that want to profit from it.

Tampon: Our Closest Enemy vs. The Vagina Bible
On SBM's first ever Fight Night, we have the good book for all vagina inquiries, The Vagina Bible, facing off against Tampon: Our Closest Enemy, a conspiracy thriller masquerading as a documentary aiming to inform women of the "hidden dangers" of tampons. Who will win? Find out.

SXSW Wellness Expo and Goop: Accepting HIV/AIDS denialism and antivaccine pseudoscience by embracing Dr. Kelly Brogan
Dr. Kelly Brogan is doing well these days. Invited to be a headliner at Gwyneth Paltrow's Goop Summit and to be on the advisory board of the 2018 SXSW Wellness Expo, she's riding high. Unfortunately Goop and SXSW appear not to care about her being an HIV/AIDS denialist, antivaxer, and all around quack.

Gwyneth Paltrow and Goop: Another triumph of celebrity pseudoscience and quackery
Earlier this month, the hostilities between Gwyneth Paltrow's den of celebrity pseudoscience and quackery, her "lifestyle" website and store Goop, and skeptics erupted into open warfare, as Goop attacked Dr. Jen Gunter, an OB/GYN, blogger, and frequent critic of the pseudoscience published and sold by Goop. This leads to the question: Who are the physicians facilitating Paltrow and Goop? And does debunking...

The Medical Medium’s Thyroid Pseudoscience
Anthony William calls himself a "Medical Medium". He has no medical expertise, but he provides medical advice based on claimed communication with the spirit world. What could possibly go wrong?
New York Times Goop Fail
A NYT opinion piece repeats all the common alternative medicine tropes in service to the further exploitation of women.