Tag: deaths of children

Did a Spicy Social Media Challenge Kill a Massachusetts Teen?
Did an absurdly spicy chip and a social media challenge kill a Massachusetts teen? His family sure thinks so, and it is possible. But skepticism is appropriate unless further details emerge. Still, these chips aren't for kids.

Should We Accept Unvaccinated Children Dying of COVID as a “Matter of Course”?
The same doctors who scold us for potentially minimizing "slightest bit of inflammation in the heart" when the vaccine is to blame, shame us for trying to keep children from dying when the virus is to blame.

COVID and Our Warped Sense of Normal
Children are not supposed to die. This didn't used to be controversial.

Children, Underlying Conditions, and COVID-19
That we can identify children who have a higher risk for severe outcomes shouldn't be used to minimize the virus and argue against vaccination in healthy children. Rather, we should recognize there are populations of vulnerable children that need extra protection, and the best way to do this is through vaccinating ourselves and all eligible children.

The JCVI Speaks: “Natural Infection in Children Could Have Substantial Long-Term Benefits On COVID-19 in the UK”
The UK's Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation suggested using sick children as human shields to protect adults.

COVID-19 and Children: More Useless Comparisons
How COVID-19 affects children is independent of how it affects their grandparents.

Cognitive Illusions and How Not to Write About COVID-19 and Children
Many people minimize the deaths and damage COVID-19 has wrought on children because it is "worse in adults". While it is true that more adults suffer due to the disease, that does not make the harms done to children vanish in a puff of smoke.

Belief in Homeopathy Results in the Death of a 7-Year-Old Italian Child
Yet another child has suffered and died because of belief in pseudomedical nonsense, this time when his parents chose homeopathy rather than appropriate medical evaluation.

Medical Neglect of Children
Medical neglect caused horrific suffering for these children, ending in death or permanent impairment. Their parents failed them, but so did society.