Results for: legislative alchemy

Respected health news media watchdog to shut down, citing lack of funding

The only U.S. media watchdog devoted exclusively to health news,, will shut down at the end of the year for lack of funding, a huge loss to the science-based medicine community.

/ July 5, 2018
Tinus Smits

CEASE therapy for autism: Homeopathic quackery and “self regulation” by naturopathic boards

Naturopathy is quackery. If you doubt this, consider that you can't have naturopathy without homeopathy. What's even worse is when naturopaths subject autistic children to quackery like CEASE therapy. Expecting any naturopathic regulatory board to investigate quackery in naturopathy is the proverbial fox guarding the henhouse.

/ May 28, 2018

Direct Primary Care Agreements and Chiropractors: A bad deal for patients

Chiropractors are not "primary care physicians" and shouldn't be allowed to pretend otherwise by entering into "direct primary care" agreements with their patients.

/ March 29, 2018

More Political Science: Proposed laws protect “Lyme literate” doctors from discipline

"Lyme literate" doctors are scamming patients out of thousands of dollars with needless long-term antibiotics based on a fake diagnosis of "chronic Lyme." So why are state legislators trying to protect these doctors from discipline and make insurers pay for unnecessary treatments?

/ March 15, 2018

The So-Called Vaccine Debate: False Balance in The San Diego Union-Tribune

A recent article in The San Diego Union-Tribune presents a pair of articles that gives a false balance regarding vaccinations. Those who oppose vaccination do so on the basis of ideology rather than science, thus placing the public's health at risk.

/ February 26, 2018

“Integrative medicine” advocates: Co-opting the opioid crisis to promote funding for acupuncture by Medicaid

The opioid epidemic is a serious public health crisis in the U.S., and new tools and treatments to deal with chronic pain are urgently needed. Unfortunately, where public health officials see a crisis, advocates of "integrating" quackery with science-based medicine see an opportunity. In this case, promoters of pseudomedicine are taking advantage of the opioid crisis to persuade state Medicaid systems to...

/ January 22, 2018

Australia ends insurance subsidies for naturopathy, homeopathy, and more

The Australian government has eliminated the insurance subsidy for 17 alternative health practices due to a lack of evidence for efficacy. This is a win for medicine and Australian taxpayers.

/ October 19, 2017

The Congressional Dietary Supplement Caucus

The Congressional Dietary Supplement Caucus, an officially-recognized Congressional Membership Organization, operates as an in-house mouthpiece for the dietary supplement industry. Both the caucus and the rules allowing it should be reformed to prohibit this.

/ August 17, 2017

Naturopathic conquest of New England nears completion

Rhode Island is poised to become the latest state to succumb to the false notion that licensing naturopathic “doctors” will protect the public health and safety, making naturopathic conquest of New England complete.

/ July 20, 2017

“Chronic Lyme” VIP Daniel Cameron disciplined by New York medical authorities

"Chronic Lyme" guru Daniel Cameron, MD, has been put on 3-year probation by New York medical authorities. Will fellow "Lyme literate" doctors take note?

/ June 22, 2017