All posts by Jesse Luke

Jesse Luke is a ghost-writer of fiction and non-fiction who has recently devoted himself to full-time writing and research on medical issues. He was drawn to the skeptical examination of health claims through his own experience with cancer and appreciation of hematology. In addition, he is currently in the process of outlining a book on adolescent and young-adult cancer. Jesse Luke can be reached directly at jesse.luke.skeptic(at) or on Twitter: @RealJesseLuke

Double standards in hematology for integrative and complementary medicine: a case study

In this post I discuss several yoga studies that were presented to a gathering of some of the world’s best MPN researchers and clinicians. They illustrate an apparent double standard in hematological cancer research, which allows integrative and complementary treatments to skip over the normally high rigor and standards typical of the sub-specialty.

/ August 3, 2018

CAM Promotion in Adolescent and Young Adult Cancer Programs

Cancer in the 18-39 age range is uncommon, but still occurs. When they should be dealing with school, friends, new jobs, and starting families, instead they must worry about medical bills, appointments, and infertility. Added to this are the costs of "integrative" treatments often foisted upon cancer patients, or built-in to the few adolescent and young adult-focussed centers that currently exist.

/ September 29, 2017

Myeloproliferative neoplasms – an overview and my experiences

In 2014 I was diagnosed with a type of myeloproliferative neoplasm. Since that time I have sought many treatments, and experienced many setbacks. Science-based medicine has kept me alive to write this post. Here I pass along some of my knowledge and experience regarding these rare cancers.

/ August 18, 2017

Integrative Psychiatry

Alternative medicine is not just restricted to physical health. Practitioners have insinuated themselves into mental health as well, to the detriment of patients and science.

/ August 4, 2017

Johrei: The next energy healing craze?

Johrei appears to be a flavor of reiki. Is it supported by better evidence? Of course not.

/ July 21, 2017

The Harm of Integrative Medicine: A Patient’s Perspective

I was diagnosed with cancer and entered treatment, at which point I directly experienced both excellent scientific care, and also the utter nonsense that is alternative medicine, rebranded as integrative medicine. Here are my reflections on the experience.

/ June 12, 2016