Tag: mumps

Impressive New Data on the Benefit of Childhood Vaccines
A new study adds compelling evidence that vaccines given to young children prevents disease and saves the lives of people of all ages. It may not be surprising, but it's nice to see. Spread the word.

England’s Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Year: Mumps and the “Wakefield Cohort”
It may not be the most worrisome virus out there these days, but England has just had its worst year of mumps infections in a decade thanks in large part to their "Wakefield cohort".

Vaccine Post Updates: the Good, the Bad, and the Crooked?
Updates on two previous vaccine related posts plus one of the most ridiculous anti-vaccine theories of all time.

Corrigendum. The Week in Review for 04/16/2017
Mumps cases, like infected parotids, swell. Doctors win with false news?!? More acupuncture studies not recognized as negative. Paying for pseudo-medicine in Vermont. Your consciousness is in your organs. And more.