Tag: Monica Gandhi

Doctors on Measles: “NEVER Listen to the Anti-Vax Cult When They Say This ‘Natural’ Disease is Harmless”. Doctors on COVID: 😂
Measles and COVID are different, of course, but they are not categorically different. With both viruses, unvaccinated children suffer the most. Yet, doctors who rightly said "measles can be a devastating childhood illness" also said it was "breathless fear-mongering" to acknowledge that COVID can also be a devastating childhood illness.

Contrarian Doctors, The Pandemic is Over Again, Again
I predicted last year that contrarian doctor would continue to say "the pandemic is over". How did this prediction hold up?

An Open Letter to ZDoggMD
I hope you'll agree with me that the biggest advocate for vaccination on social media should have no trouble sharing all of the facts about COVID-19 and children on a very frequent basis.

Contrarian Doctors: The Pandemic is Over, Again
I can’t help but wonder if one of the reasons the pandemic isn’t over yet, is because contrarian doctors repeatedly said it was.