Tag: DHA

Reeling In Misrepresentation: Fish Oil Supplements Found Lacking
An analysis of label claims for fish oil supplements finds a lot of tall tales

Fish Oil Doesn’t Help Dry Eyes
Dry eyes? Despite guidelines that recommend fish oil consumption, a new trial demonstrate that they are not effective.

Fake News about Fish Oil
An ad for the dietary supplement Omega Rejuvenol is disguised as a news story in my local newspaper. It makes claims that are not supported by evidence.
If you don’t buy this supplement for your child, you’re a terrible parent
The supplement industry wants you to buy their products, and they’re not above using a little parental guilt to make you into a customer. In the photo above, the promoter is my local pharmacy, where the large window display caught my eye: Give your Child The Tools to SUCCEED in School! Who doesn’t want their child to succeed? And if you knew...