Tag: Center for Inquiry
Lawsuits against US pharmacy chains selling homeopathy to proceed
An Appeals Court will permit CFI to challenge Walmart and CVS for selling homeopathy alongside conventional medicine.
Announcement: The Society for Science-Based Medicine is becoming part of the Center for Inquiry
The Society for Science-Based Medicine is no more. Long live the Society for Science-Based Medicine as part of the Center for Inquiry.
HB 4710: Licensing and expanding the scope of practice of acupuncturists in Michigan
Last week, HB 4710, a bill to license acupuncturists, was considered by the Michigan House of Representatives Health Policy Committee. If passed into law, HB 4710 would do far more than license the quackery that is acupuncture. It would also expand the scope of practice of acupuncturists to include homeopathy, "health coaching", and dietary advice, and is yet another example of what...
Walmart sued for deceiving customers in selling homeopathic remedies
A lawsuit claiming Walmart fraudulently deceives consumers in the sale of worthless homeopathic remedies has been filed by the Center for Inquiry (CFI), acting on behalf of the general public. CFI says co-mingling ineffective homeopathic products with science-based treatments on Walmart's pharmacy shelves and website misleads customers into thinking they are equivalent, when "there is not a shred of credible scientific evidence"...
The Center for Inquiry weighs in on the FDA’s mishandling of Stanislaw Burzynski’s clinical trials
The Center for Inquiry points out how what Stanislaw Burzynski is doing corrupts the clinical trial process and harms patients.
Quackademic medicine trickles out to community hospitals
One of the major themes of this blog has been to combat what I, borrowing a term coined (as far as I can tell) by Dr. R. W. Donnell, like to refer to as “quackademic medicine.” Quackademic medicine is a lovely term designed to summarize everything that is wrong with the increasing embrace of so-called “complementary and alternative medicine” (CAM) or, as...