Tag: activated charcoal

activated charcoal

Activated charcoal, the wellness scam

Charcoal lemonade is yet another detox scam aimed at separating customers from their money.

/ August 8, 2019

The one thing you need to know before you detox

Before you start your New Year's detox, this one weird tip will save you time, money, and possibly your health.

/ December 31, 2015

Activated charcoal: The latest detox fad in an obsessive food culture

Our diet is either the cause of, or solution to, all of life’s problems. I’m paraphrasing a great philosopher. We just can’t seem to let food be food. Today each ingredient we eat seems to be demonized or glorified. Gluten is the latest evil. It used to be fat. At some point in the past, it was MSG. Or it’s a superfood,...

/ May 7, 2015