Results for: Chiropractic

The DC wants to play PCP on your dime: H.R. 3654 forces Medicare to cover full chiropractic scope of practice

A bill pending before Congress (H.R. 3654) would expand Medicare coverage of chiropractic services to their full scope of practice under state laws. Chiropractors claim they are primary care physicians and want to force Medicare to pay them as such, just like an M.D. or D.O.

/ August 15, 2019

Anti-vaccination ideology in chiropractic continuing education and conference (again!)

Yet another chiropractic pediatrics conference features anti-vaccination ideology. Chiropractic institutions approve anti-vaccination CE course content. To protect public health, if chiropractic regulators won't stop this, the states should do it for them.

/ August 1, 2019

A Canadian Journalist Calls Out Pediatric Chiropractic Again, and the Canadian Chiropractic Association Responds…Again

The National Post has published another quality article pointing out the absurdity of infant chiropractic care. The Canadian Chiropractic Association's attempt at a rebuttal falls flat.

/ July 12, 2019

No. “Big Data” Does Not Support Chiropractic Care for Infants

A new study claims to have used "big data" to help answer the question of infant chiropractic effectiveness, but it's just another collection of anecdotes that adds nothing to our understanding of infant medicine.

/ June 28, 2019

The Yoke of Chiropractic: Vertebral Subluxation Doctrine

The mysterious, asymptomatic chiropractic “vertebral subluxation complex” alleged to be a cause of disease has never been proven to exist. A real orthopedic vertebral subluxation, which can be identified by imaging and by physical signs, has never been demonstrated to be a cause of organic disease. Chiropractic subluxation theory has been perpetuated largely by misinformation, fear, and a powerful placebo effect, produced,...

/ May 27, 2019

Chiropractic Manipulation Under Anesthesia in Infants with Congenital Torticollis: All Risk and No Benefit

It may sound too unethical to be true, but some chiropractors and their conventional medical conspirators are placing infants under general anesthesia for treatment of congenital muscular torticollis

/ April 5, 2019

Australia’s Chiropractic Board bans spinal manipulation for children under two pending evidence review

Chiropractic Board of Australia interim policy prohibits spinal manipulation of children under two years old pending expert review of evidence by health authorities. Given the lack of evidence supporting chiropractic treatment of children, it should be banned.

/ March 28, 2019

Vigorous Chiropractic Adjustment Associated with Potentially Serious Eye Injury

Can vigorous adjustment of the neck cause direct injury to your eye? Probably, but I don't know. This is based on a single case report. Still, I wouldn't take the chance. And why do I keep mentioning dugongs?

/ October 5, 2018

The Chiropractic Technique Parade

Failure of the chiropractic establishment to renounce the scientifically indefensible vertebral subluxation theory assures an unending parade of questionable chiropractic diagnostic and treatment methods for correction of putative vertebral subluxations.

/ September 14, 2018

Certification in chiropractic techniques: legitimate care or tomfoolery?

Chiropractic vertebral subluxation theory breeds a variety of questionable diagnostic and treatment methods. Certification in use of a subluxation-based technique offers no assurance that the technique is effective or scientifically acceptable.

/ June 22, 2018