Results for: nvic

Tomasz Witkowski Busts More Myths

Tomasz Witkowski has written another book filled with skepticism and critical thinking.

/ November 1, 2022

“Censorship” and “thoughtcrime”? Antivaxxers and COVID-19 contrarians attack California AB 2098

One of the oldest tropes favored by quacks of all stripes, including antivaxxers, is to portray any attempt at regulating their quackery as an assault on freedom of speech. It's therefore not surprising that after its passage by the California legislature prominent spreaders of COVID-19 misinformation are labeling AB2098, which seeks clarify and codify the power of the Medical Board of California...

/ September 26, 2022
Fall Armyworm Moth

Novavax: It’s the vaccine that scares antivaxxers, not moth DNA or any ingredient in any vaccine

The Novavax COVID-19 vaccine was recently granted emergency use approval by the FDA. Company executives and some public health officials have expressed hope that this recombinant protein-based vaccine will be more palatable to the vaccine-hesitant than existing vaccines using new (and therefore scarier) mRNA and adenovirus platforms. The reaction to the use of moth cells to produce the Novavax vaccine shows that...

/ July 25, 2022

Science-Based Satire: A Powerful and Ancient Practice is Revolutionizing Medical Venipuncture

Are experts in medical dowsing using medical grade rods to locate blood vessels to improve venipuncture success rates? No, they aren't. That's absurd and this is clearly satire. But dowsing for dead bodies might be accepted in a court of law near you, which is also absurd but not made up. Really.

/ July 22, 2022
Matt Walsh asks: What is a woman?

In What Is a Woman?, Matt Walsh asks a question, but doesn’t like the answers

Matt Walsh's documentary asks What Is a Woman? Unfortunately, his documentary is every bit as much of a science denying propaganda film disguised as a documentary as antivax films like VAXXED or the anti-evolution film Expelled!, and such films tend to be potent messaging tools.

, / July 14, 2022

Good faith doctoring or greedy drug dealing? SCOTUS hears opioid prescribing cases

Physicians running opioid "pill mills" were convicted of violating the Controlled Substances Act and given substantial prison sentences. The U.S. Supreme Court will soon decide whether they were entitled to a "good faith" defense at trial.

/ March 10, 2022

State legislators dispense with standard of care for COVID treatment and encourage medical misinformation

State legislatures are considering bills that protect doctors and other health care providers from being held accountable for using unproven COVID-19 treatments and spreading medical misinformation.

/ February 10, 2022

The Misinformation Dilemma

Is there a workable solution to the social media dilemma?

/ January 19, 2022
Prescription Drugs

Department of Justice prioritizes prosecution of clinical trial fraud, but systemic reform is needed

The U.S. Department of Justice recently announced it is aggressively pursuing clinical trial fraud, where unethical players create fictional trial participants, steal the drugs under study, and fabricate results. But systemic reform of the clinical drug trial system is needed to halt those who endanger public safety with bogus trials.

/ January 13, 2022

Substack: Where quacks and antivaxxers all go now

With social media companies like Twitter and Facebook/Meta deplatforming those spreading misinformation, COVID-19 quacks, antivaxxers, and conspiracy theorists are flocking to Substack, where they can monetize their misinformation while Substack profits.

/ January 10, 2022