I am a brave, independent thinker who doesn’t follow the crowd. I pride myself on my ability to think rationally and come to my own conclusions. Most people care more about belonging to a group than being right. Nothing makes them more uncomfortable than deviating from the herd. However, unlike these unthinking sheep, I don’t care if my ideas are popular or not. I am not afraid to stick out from the crowd and earn the scorn of the masses for being a free-thinker. I am willing to go against the grain no matter the costs, both personal and professional.
This is why strangers in masks bother me so much. Even though only 95% of people on planes don’t wear masks, I’m even willing to pay the remaining 5% to take off theirs. It’s crucial that everyone conform to the dominant narrative. Are these people so “special and different” that they don’t have to do exactly what everyone else does? I don’t think so.
The nail that sticks up is the nail that gets hammered down. And I, a brave, independent, rational free-thinker am the hammer.