Tag: Veterinary medicine

Nonsense for Elephants: The Houston Zoo Promotes Kinesiology Tape
The Houston Zoo is promoting a bogus therapy as a treatment for aging elephants.

Do I really need to do a fecal test on my dog every year?
Why do vets want your dog's poop so bad? Why does it have to be fresh? WHY IS IT SO WARM WHEN I TOUCH IT? WHY?? WHHHYYY?????

The English (Bulldog) Patient: What A Travesty of Canine Health Teaches us About Cognitive Dissonance
Bulldogs are cute, loveable, and borderline an abuse to breed. Their adorable faces are the result of intense selective pressure that is accompanied by a large number of misery-inducing health conditions for the pet, and cognitive dissonance for the owner.

What do veterinarians think about complementary and alternative medicine?
A survey of veterinarians shows that belief in at least one CAM modality is more than twice as common as skepticism.

Electromagnetic healing devices for dogs: Studies show “Meh”
Does a pulsed electromagnetic field device work to help dogs recover from surgery? The answer is below. Spoiler alert: The answer is "probably not".

Pet Food Mislabeling: Let Food Be Thy Dogma
Should you feed your dog organic, biodynamic, grain-fed, non-GMO, high-protein, low-carb, unpasteurized, cruelty-free, free-range, soy-lacto-egg-free caribou Num-Nums? Particularly when their last meal was cat vomit?

Pee Values: Tapping into large databases to answer an awkward situation in veterinary medicine
A handy research tool has just helped answer some long standing questions about the spaying of female dogs and urinary incontinence.

Elephants, Herpes, and Protests: A Zoo Tragedy Distorted
There has been a recent kerfuffle over the death of a young elephant from elephant endotheliotropic herpesvirus hemorrhagic disease. Was it the zoo's fault? Probably not.

The White Coat Effect in Animals: Reducing Fear in the Vet Clinic
Fear during veterinary visits is a problem for everyone involved. While everyone wants less of it, there is limited evidence to support any interventions right now.

What’s the Truth behind The Truth About Pet Cancer?
The Truth About Pet Cancer (TAPC) is a slick bit of propaganda. Although it contains some interesting, even promising ideas, these are unfortunately served with a heavy seasoning of misinformation and fear-mongering. Hypotheses and opinions are presented as established facts, and anyone who disagrees is suggested to be ignorant at best, venal and corrupt at worst.